TM 5-3895-354-14&P
5. Remove hub and brake drum assembly by pulling out Assembly includes inner bearings and seal, Items 4, 5, 6
& 7.
6. Refer to Fig 56 and remove brake shoes and linings as follows:
a) disconnect springs from spring pins (Items 10 & 21).
b) remove retaining brass hex nut, hex head capscrew, and washers (Items 17, 18, & 19).
c) remove brake shoes and linings (Item 14).
c. Cleaning, Inspection and Repair.
1. Clean all parts in an approved cleaning solvent and dry thoroughly.
2. Inspect for worn linings, wheel cylinder leakage, and worn or defective bearings. Inspect all threads for
damage and pins for wear. Replace all defective parts.
d. Installation of Bearings, Brake Shoes, and Linings. Repeat Steps 1 to 6 in reverse order.
70. Axle
a. General.
1. The axle is rated 12, 000# when used with 2, 10 leaf, 1642 springs.
2. The axle is one piece with a 125 spindle. Spring mounting 46" centers with wheels mounting for 66" centers.
b. Removal.
1. Remove tire and wheel assembly (Para. 68) and hub and brake drum assembly.
2. Remove backing plate with brake assembly, ref. Fig. 56:
a) remove backing plate mounting bolts (Item 34)
b) remove backing plate with brake assembly (Item 1)
3. Remove springs and shock absorbers, Para. 68.
4. Remove axle, Fig. 58.
c. Installation. Install in reverse order of removal.
71. Power Cluster
a. General. The power cluster is a diaphragm operated air valve which activates the hydraulic cylinder on the front
portion of the assembly. This hydraulic motion in turn exerts pressure through the hydraulic lines causing the
wheel cylinders to operate and they in turn transmit the applied force to the brake bands causing them to rub the
brake drum. Due to the force applied in this manner, the laws of friction come into play and the vehicle comes to
a stop.
b. Removal.
1. Disconnect tubing from air relay (Fig. 3, Item 22).
2. Disconnect tubing from male elbow on power cluster (Fig. 3, Items 23, 19 & 3).
3. Remove mounting bolts from mounting plate (Fig. 59).
4. Remove power cluster.