Chapter 1 Introduction - TM-5-4520-208-150047Figure 1. Heater, three-quarter left front view.Figure 2. Heater, three quarter right rear view.Figure 3. Fuel system, schematic diagram.Fuel control valveIdentificationDifference in ModelsData Applicable to Model BT400-40-1 HeatersCHAPTER 2 INSTALLATION AND OPERATING INSTRUCTIONSUnpacking New EquipmentFigure 5. Heater packing details.Figure 6. Power units, mounting brackets.Equipment ConversionFigure 7. Gasoline engine power unit, installed view.Figure 8. Electric motor power unit, installed view.Installation and Setting-up InstructionsFigure 9. Heater air hose, installed view.Figure 10. Exhaust pipes, installed view.Figure 11. Heater fuel controls.Choke ControlFigure 13. Heater discharge air controls.Figure 14. Starting gasoline engine power unit.StoppingOperation in Extreme Cold (Below 0F)Figure 15. Winterization torch operating instructions.Operation in Dusty or Sandy Areas - TM-5-4520-208-150072CHAPTER 3 OPERATOR AND ORGANIZATIONAL MAINTENANCE INSTRUCTIONSFigure 16. Lubrication chart.Figure 17. Wheel bearings.Section Ill. PREVENTIVE MAINTENANCE SERVICESFigure 18 (1). Daily preventive maintenance services.Figure 18 (2)-Continued.Figure 19 (1). Quarterly preventive maintenance services.Figure 19 (2)--Continued.Figure 19 (3) -Continued.Section IV. OPERATOR'S MAINTENANCESection V. TROUBLESHOOTINGElectric Motor Power Unit Fails to StopSection VI. RADIO INTERFERENCE SUPPRESSIONSection VIl. CABINET ASSEMBLYSection Vlll. GASOLINE ENGINE POWER UNITFigure 24. Gasoline engine power unit, exploded view.BracketsSection IX. HEAT GENERATOR AIR SYSTEMFigure 25. Fan and mounting ring, exploded view.Figure 26. Fan mounting ring removal pointsFigure 27. Fan mounting ring, removal points (BT400-40-1).Section X. HEATER EXHAUST SYSTEMSection Xl. HEATER IGNITION SYSTEMFigure 29. Magneto and time totalizing meter, exploded view.Removal. - TM-5-4520-208-150097Figure 31. Combustor plate, nozzle and ignition cable, removal points.Section XII. HEATER FUEL SYSTEM (BT400-40)Flow Test - TM-5-4520-208-150100Power Unit Hose AssemblyFigure 34. Fuel pump, tube assemblies, and fuel control, exploded view (BT400-40).Figure 35. Nozzle and combustor, exploded view.Section XIII. HEATER FUEL SYSTEM (BT400-40-1)Figure 36. Fuel pump, pressure test points (BT400-40-1).Figure 37. Fuel pump, tube assemblies, and fuel control, exploded view (BT400-40-1).Cleaning and Inspection. Power Unit Hose AssemblyFigure 38. Heater fuel filter exploded viewSection XIV. FUEL TANKInstallation - TM-5-4520-208-150111Figure 39. Fuel tank and base, exploded viewSection XV. HEATER CONTROLS AND INSTRUMENTSHeater Control Tube and Hose Assemblies (BT400-40-1)Figure 40. Air discharge components, removal points.Cleaning and Inspection - TM-5-4520-208-150116Heater Control Valves and BlockSection XVI. TIME TOTALIZING METER (BT400-40)Section XVII. ELECTRIC MOTOR POWER UNITFigure 41. Electric motor power unit.Figure 42. ON-OFF switch and cable removal points.Section XVIII. TRAILER COMPONENTSFigure 44. Wheel, axle, and spring assemblies, exploded view.Installation. - TM-5-4520-208-150124Tow Bar and PinsFigure 45. Trailer assembly, exploded viewTrailer FrameChapter DEMOLITION, SHIPMENT, AND LIMITED STORAGEFigure 46. Placement of charges.DA Form 2258 (Depreservation Guide of Engineer Equipment)CHAPTER 5 DIRECT AND GENERAL SUPPORT AND DEPOT MAINTENANCE INSTRUCTIONSCHAPTER 6 GENERAL MAINTENANCE INSTRUCTIONSSection III. REMOVAL AND INSTALLATION OF MAJOR COMPONENTSFigure 47. Air control, removal points.Figure 48. Heater exchanger and air control, exploded view.Installation - TM-5-4520-208-150136Figure 49. Casing, bulkheads, and power unit support, exploded viewFigure 49-Continued.Figure 50. Fuel pump, exploded viewCHAPTER 7 SPECIFIC REPAIR INSTRUCTIONSSection II. FUEL CONTROLFigure 51. Fuel control valves and block, exploded viewSection III. MAGNETOFigure 52. Magneto, exploded viewSection IV. COMBUSTORSection VI. HEAT EXCHANGERSection VIII. FUEL TANKFigure 53. Electric motor, exploded view.APPENDIX I REFERENCESAPPENDIX II MAINTENANCE ALLOCATION CHART - TM-5-4520-208-150150Explanation of Columns (sec. II)Section III. TOOL AND TEST EQUIPMENT REQUIREMENTSAPPENDIX III BASIC ISSUE ITEMS LIST AND OPERATING SUPPLIESFigure 54. Basic issue itemsSection II. BASIC ISSUE ITEMS LISTSection III. MAINTENANCE AND OPERATING SUPPLIES - TM-5-4520-208-150156TM-5-4520-208-15 Heater Duct Type Potable 4000 000 BTU/HR Models BT400-40 and BT400-40-1 Manual