TM 5-4520-240-14
1-6. Description.
and enters the heater through an opening at the rear of
a. The Models UH-48-C and UH-48-D, Type IV,
the heater.
Multifuel Space Heater is designed for heating
c. The heater is equipped with a timed ignition con-
enclosures at which a source of 28-volt direct current
trol for safe thermoatat-controlled starting without
power is available. It has a maximum output of 15,000
continuous operator supervision. A safety control will
Btu per hour, and is desinged for floor or wall installa-
shut off the power if ignition does not occur within a
tion. The heater is controlled by a remotely mounted
preset time, minimizing risk of fire or explosion and
thermostat to maintain a selected temperature in an
protecting the unit from damage in the event of equip-
enclosed space within the range of 35 to 95 F (1.7 to
ment malfunction or loss of fuel supply.
35C) up to the rated output of the heater.
d. Once the heater is in full operation, an additional
b. The heater is equipped with a removable discharge
safety control will shut off the flow of fuel if the unit
louver for directing the outlet air. A screened air inlet
reaches a preset overheat temperature.
opening provides for entry of circulating air. Combus-
e. The maintenance paragraphs of this manual con-
tion air is provided by a separate impeller assembly
tain detailed descriptions of heater components.
Figure 1-1. Multifuel Space Heater, Left Front, Three-Quarter View.
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