TM 5-4520-241-14
(5) Inspect terminals for broken connections or any signs of overheating. Replace defective terminals.
(6) Replace the grommet if it is damaged or does not fit snugly.
c. Assembly. Reassemble the fuel pump power supply in the reverse order of disassembly, and note the following:
(1) If transformer is replaced, connect gray and white leads to the built-in transformer leads with butt connectors
(2) If the rectifier is replaced, resolder the connections to the terminal strip according to the wiring diagram. Note
that the + terminal of the rectifier is marked with a small dot of paint. The - terminal is diagonally opposite.
(3) Spray all soldered joints with a moisture repellent conforming to MIL-V-173 (Columbia Technical Corporation
Humi-Seal, Class A, No. 1A27, or equivalent).
8-9/(8-10 blank)