TM 5-4520-253-13
Multifuel capability.
Variable temperature range.
Variable mounting attitude capability.
Remote room thermostat control.
Automatic shutdown to prevent overheating.
1 - 9 . L O C A T I O N A N D D E S C R I P T I O N O F M A J O R C O M P O N E N TS
CONTROL BOX. Provides controls for operating heater or fan, reset buttons, and indicator
HEATER CASE ASSEMBLY. Houses components of space heater.
PC BOARD CONTROL. Monitors and controls all functions of the space heater.
COMBUSTION BLOWER. Provides combustion air to burner of heat exchangerassembly.
IGNITION TRANSFORMER. Provides current for the igniter.
VENTILATING MOTOR ASSEMBLY. Blows fresh air across heat exchanger.
HEAT EXCHANGER. Fuel burns inside heat exchanger. Air flows over exterior of heat ex-
changer and is heated. Heated air is blown out of heat exchanger.
BURNER HEAD. Generates air-fuel mixture which burns inside heat exchanger.
CARBURETOR. Delivers controlled amount of fuel to burner head.
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