TM 5-4520-253-13
ARC A discharge of electric current crossing a gap between two electrodes.
ASSEMBLY A combination of parts that may be taken apart without destruction, which has no
application or use of its own but is needed for the completeness of a more complex item with
which it is combined, or to which it is attached.
BINDING Holding or restraining.
CARBON MONOXIDE A poisonous gas that is made while a fuel is burning, especially if there is
not quite enough air. The gas is colorless, odorless, and tasteless, but it can cause illness or death.
See the warnings on the Warning page at front of manual.
COMBUSTION A chemical change, especially oxidation, accompanied by the production of heat and
light. A combustion engine functions by burning fuel to produce heat, i.e., energy.
COMPONENT A part or a combination of parts which together accomplish a function.
COMPRESSED AIR Air that is under pressure. When the compressed air in a hose or pipe is allowed
to escape (such as when you use an air gun), the air moves very fast and is used to blow away dirt
and chips for cleaning.
CONDENSATION A liquid formed from a vapor. Moisture carried in warm air will condense when
it reaches a cold area, such as the surface of a fuel tank in subzero weather.
CONTAMINATION To make impure by contact or mixture.
CORROSION A gradual wearing away caused by chemical action. Metals exposed to salt water are
likely to corrode.
CRIMP To bend or pinch together.
lacking perfection.
an essential element;
DETERIORATE A worsening of condition usually as a result of age or hostile environment,
opposed to mechanical damage.
EXHAUST The gases that leave the engine through the tailpipe while the engine is running.
EXPENDABLE An item that is not repairable and is discarded if damaged.
EXPOSURE Being in the presence of something, or in contact with something. Skin is exposed to
cleaning solvent when the solvent contacts the skin during cleaning operations.
GIossary 2