TM 5-4520-256-14IntervalItem To Be InspectedEquipment is notItemProceduresReady/ Available if:No.BDAWM10**Inspect fuel tank cap for de-Missing fuel fillerfective or damaged cap, dents,cap.cracks, or corrosion. Be surethat cap is present and fitssecurely.11***Inspect exhaust pipe stowagedoor for loose mounting, mis-sing fasteners, dents or cor-rosion.12****Inspect cabinet exterior fordents, holes, exposed metal,or corrosion.13****Inspect exhaust pipe for dents,holes, corrosion, improper fit.14*Inspect blower and venturi ringHoles in venturifor holes, dents, corrosion,ring or missingmissing blower blades, andblower blades.loose or missing hardware.15*Inspect fuel transfer valve for Class III leaks.leaks, corrosion, or other dam-age.16*Inspect motor base for loose orTight shaft ormissing hardware, or corrosion.loose mounting.Inspect motor for freedom ofrotation, loose mounting, mis-sing fasteners, correct aline-ment and corrosion.17*Inspect heat exchanger forHoles in heat ex-loose or missing hardware, cor-changer.rosion, holes, or signs of bur-ner burn through.18*Inspect fuel pump for looseClass III leaks.mounting, missing hardware,leaks, or corrosion.19*Inspect solenoid valve forClass III leaks.loose wiring and/or connec-tions, leaks, corrosion, loosemounting, or missing hardware.2-7
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