TM 9-2540-205-24&P
4. Note what numbers you used on a simple sketch of your own. This will help you to retag In the proper
order when you remove the tags from some parts to perform cleaning and maintenance work.
5. Remove tags when finished.
For accuracy, refer to the Source, Maintenance, and Recoverability codes (SMR)
assigned to support items listed in the maintenance Repair Paris and Special Tools
Lists (RPSTL), Appendix D, contained in this manual.
Any repair procedure peculiar to a specific part or component is covered in the section or paragraph relating to
that item. After repair, clean all parts thoroughly to prevent dirt, metal chips, or other foreign material from
entering any working parts.
a. Repair minor damage to machined surfaces with a fine mill file or crocus cloth dipped in dry cleaning
b. Deeply nicked machined surfaces which could affect the assembly operation should be replaced.
Notify Direct Support Maintenance.
c. Minor damage to threaded capscrew holes should be repaired with thread tap of same sizeto prevent
cutting oversize. Notify Direct Support Maintenance.