CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION - TM-9-4520-258-14_11CORROSION PREVENTION AND CONTROL (CPC) - TM-9-4520-258-14_12Section II. EQUIPMENT DESCRIPTIONLOCATION AND DESCRIPTION OF MAJOR COMPONENTS.LOCATION AND DESCRIPTION OF MAJOR COMPONENTS - continued. - TM-9-4520-258-14_15LOCATION AND DESCRIPTION OF MAJOR COMPONENTS - continued - TM-9-4520-258-14_16Figure 1-3. Rear and Left SideLOCATION AND DESCRIPTION OF MAJOR COMPONENTS - continued. - TM-9-4520-258-14_18Heater Interior - continuedLOCATION AND DESCRIPTION OF MAJOR COMPONENTS - continued - TM-9-4520-258-14_20EQUIPMENT DATA.Table 1-2. Fuel Pressure SettingsSection III. PRINCIPLES OF OPERATION - TM-9-4520-258-14_23FUEL SYSTEM.FUEL SYSTEM - continuedFigure 1-5. Fuel SchematicAIRFLOW SYSTEM - TM-9-4520-258-14_27CHAPTER 2 OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS - TM-9-4520-258-14_28LOCATION AND USE OF CONTROLS AND INDICATORS.Figure 2-1. Front and Right Side Controls and IndicatorsFigure 2-2. Rear and Left Side Controls and IndicatorsSection II. OPERATOR'S PREVENTIVE MAINTENANCE CHECKS AND SERVICES (PMCS)PMC PROCEDURES-continued.CLEANING AGENTS.Table 2-1. Operator Preventive Maintenance Checks And Services - TM-9-4520-258-14_35Table 2-1. Operator Preventive Maintenance Checks And Services - TM-9-4520-258-14_36Table 2-1. Operator Preventive Maintenance Checks And Services - TM-9-4520-258-14_37Table 2-1. Operator Preventive Maintenance Checks And Services - TM-9-4520-258-14_38Table 2-1. Operator Preventive Maintenance Checks And Services. - TM-9-4520-258-14_39Table 2-1. Operator Preventive Maintenance Checks And Services. - TM-9-4520-258-14_40Table 2-1. Operator Preventive Maintenance Checks And Services. - TM-9-4520-258-14_41Table 2-1. Operator Preventive Maintenance Checks And Services. - TM-9-4520-258-14_42Table 2-1. Operator Preventive Maintenance Checks And Services - TM-9-4520-258-14_43Table 2-1. Operator Preventive Maintenance Checks And Services. - TM-9-4520-258-14_44Table 2-1. Operator Preventive Maintenance Checks And Services - TM-9-4520-258-14_45Table 2-1. Operator Preventive Maintenance Checks And Services - TM-9-4520-258-14_46Table 2-1. Operator Preventive Maintenance Checks And Services - TM-9-4520-258-14_47Section III. OPERATION UNDER USUAL CONDITIONS - TM-9-4520-258-14_48Figure 2-3. Fuel Tank SelectionASEMBLY AND PREPARATION FOR USE - continued.Figure 2-5. Power ConnectionOPERATING PROCEDURES - TM-9-4520-258-14_52Heat-Auto Mode Heat-Auto Mode - continuedFigure 2-7. Operation, Heat Auto Mode (Sheet 2 of 2)Heat Manual Mode.Figure 2-8. Operation, Heat Manual ModeShutdown - TM-9-4520-258-14_58DECALS AND INSTRUCTION PLATES - TM-9-4520-258-14_59DECALS AND INSTRUCTION PLATES - continued. - TM-9-4520-258-14_60DECALS AND INSTRUCTION PLATES - continued. - TM-9-4520-258-14_61DECALS AND INSTRUCTION PLATES - continued. - TM-9-4520-258-14_62DECALS AND INSTRUCTION PLATES - continued. - TM-9-4520-258-14_63DECALS AND INSTRUCTION PLATES - continued. - TM-9-4520-258-14_64DECALS AND INSTRUCTION PLATES - continued. - TM-9-4520-258-14_65Section IV. OPERATION UNDER UNUSUAL CONDITIONSEMERGENCY PROCEDURESNUCLEAR, BIOLOGICAL, AND CHEMICAL (NBC) DECONTAMINATION PROCEDURESCHAPTER 3 OPERATOR MAINTENANCE INSTRUCTIONS - TM-9-4520-258-14_69MALFUNCTION INDEXTable 3-1. Operator TroubleshootingMALFUNCTION 2. COMBUSTOR FAN DOES NOT OPERATEMALFUNCTION 3. FUEL PRESSURE STAYS AT 25 PSI OR LESS IN HEAT AUTO OR HEAT MANUAL MODES.MALFUNCTION 4. UNIT FLAMES OUT REPEATEDLY (MORE THAN 3 TIMES IN A ROW)MALFUNCTION 5. NO COMBUSTION IN AUTO HEAT MODEMALFUNCTION 5. NO COMBUSTION IN AUTO HEAT MODE - continuedMALFUNCTION 5. NO COMBUSTION IN AUTO HEAT MODE - continued.MALFUNCTION 6. EXCESSIVE BLACK SMOKE IN EXHAUSTMALFUNCTION 7. FAN MOTOR SLOWS DOWN OR INDICATOR LIGHTS DIM.CHAPTER 4 UNIT MAINTENANCE INSTRUCTIONS - TM-9-4520-258-14_81Section I. REPAIR PARTS AND SPECIAL TOOLS LISTLUBRICATION INSTRUCTIONS- continued.Section III. SERVICE UPON RECEIPTSERVICE UPON RECEIPT OF MATERIALINSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS - TM-9-4520-258-14_86INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS - continued.INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS - continued - TM-9-4520-258-14_88Figure 4-4. Supply Air Duct and Return Air Duct ConnectionINSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS - continued - TM-9-4520-258-14_90Figure 4-6. Power Cable Adapter CordSection IV. UNIT PREVENTIVE MAINTENANCE CHECKS AND SERVICESTable 4-1. Unit Preventive Maintenance Checks And Services. - TM-9-4520-258-14_93Table 4-1. Unit Preventive Maintenance Checks And Services. - TM-9-4520-258-14_94Table 4-1. Unit Preventive Maintenance Checks And Services - TM-9-4520-258-14_95Table 4-1. Unit Preventive Maintenance Checks And Services. - TM-9-4520-258-14_96Table 4-1. Unit Preventive Maintenance Checks And Services. - TM-9-4520-258-14_97Table 4-1. Unit Preventive Maintenance Checks And Services. - TM-9-4520-258-14_98Table 4-1. Unit Preventive Maintenance Checks And Services - TM-9-4520-258-14_99Table 4-1. Unit Preventive Maintenance Checks And Services - TM-9-4520-258-14_100Table 4-1. Unit Preventive Maintenance Checks And Services. - TM-9-4520-258-14_101Table 4-1. Unit Preventive Maintenance Checks And Services. - TM-9-4520-258-14_102Table 4-1. Unit Preventive Maintenance Checks And Services. - TM-9-4520-258-14_103Table 4-1. Unit Preventive Maintenance Checks And Services. - TM-9-4520-258-14_104Table 4-1. Unit Preventive Maintenance Checks And Services. - TM-9-4520-258-14_105Section V. UNIT TROUBLESHOOTING PROCEDURESFigure 4-7. Troubleshooting Component Location Guide.Table 4-2. UNIT TROUBLESHOOTING.Table 4-2. UNIT TROUBLESHOOTING - continued. - TM-9-4520-258-14_109Table 4-2. UNIT TROUBLESHOOTING - continued. - TM-9-4520-258-14_110Table 4-2. UNIT TROUBLESHOOTING - continued - TM-9-4520-258-14_111Table 4-2. UNIT TROUBLESHOOTING - continued - TM-9-4520-258-14_112FUEL PRESSURE STAYS AT 25 PSI OR LESS IN HEAT AUTO OR HEAT MANUAL.UNIT FLAMES OUT REPEATEDLY (MORE THAN 3 TIMES IN A ROW)NO FUEL PRESSURE INDICATEDNO FUEL PRESSURE INDICATED - continued.LOW FUEL PRESSURE INDICATED.EXCESSIVE BLACK SMOKE IN EXHAUST.FAN MOTOR SLOWS DOWN, INDICATOR LIGHTS DIM.IMPROPER/NO SPARK IN IGNITER.IMPROPER/NO SPARK IN IGNITER - continued - TM-9-4520-258-14_121IMPROPER/NO SPARK IN IGNITER - continued - TM-9-4520-258-14_122UNIT BACKFIRES OR RUMBLES IN AUTO AND/OR MANUAL HEAT MODESCOMBUSTOR FAN DOES NOT OPERATE (BLACK EXHAUST SMOKE AND LOUD RUMBLE)COMBUSTOR FAN DOES NOT OPERATE (BLACK EXHAUST SMOKE AND LOUD RUMBLE)-continuedNO COMBUSTION IN HEAT AUTO MODENO COMBUSTION IN HEAT AUTO MODE - continued. - TM-9-4520-258-14_127NO COMBUSTION IN HEAT AUTO MODE - continued. - TM-9-4520-258-14_128NO COMBUSTION IN HEAT AUTO MODE - continued - TM-9-4520-258-14_129NO COMBUSTION IN HEAT AUTO MODE - continued - TM-9-4520-258-14_130NO COMBUSTION IN HEAT AUTO MODE - continued. - TM-9-4520-258-14_131NO COMBUSTION IN HEAT MANUAL MODE - TM-9-4520-258-14_132NO COMBUSTION IN HEAT MANUAL MODE - TM-9-4520-258-14_133Section VI. UNIT MAINTENANCE PROCEDURESEXHAUST PIPE.EXHAUST PIPE - continuedDUCT ASSEMBLY.DUCT ASSEMBLY - continued.REMOTE CONTROL THERMOSTAT.REMOTE CONTROL THERMOSTAT - continued - TM-9-4520-258-14_140Figure 4-11. Remote Control Thermostat Repair(Sheet 1 of 3)REMOTE CONTROL THERMOSTAT - continued - TM-9-4520-258-14_142REMOTE CONTROL THERMOSTAT - continued.REMOTE CONTROL THERMOSTAT - continued - TM-9-4520-258-14_144Figure 4-13. Remote Control Thermostat AssemblyPOWER CABLE ADAPTER CORD.Figure 4-14. Power Cable Adapter Cord Repair (Sheet 1 of 3)POWER CABLE ADAPTER CORD - continuedFigure 4-14. Power Cable Adapter Cord Repair (Sheet 3 of 3)CONTROL BOX COVER ASSEMBLY.Figure 4-15. Control Box Cover AssemblyTOP PANEL ASSEMBLY.Figure 4-16. Top Panel AssemblyREAR PANEL ASSEMBLYFigure 4-17. Rear Panel Assembly Removal (Sheet 1 of 2)REAR PANEL ASSEMBLY - continued. - TM-9-4520-258-14_156REAR PANEL ASSEMBLY - continued. - TM-9-4520-258-14_157Figure 4-18. Rear Panel Disassembly (Sheet 2 of 3)REAR PANEL ASSEMBLY - continued - TM-9-4520-258-14_159Figure 4-19. Rear Panel Assembly (Sheet 1 of 3)REAR PANEL ASSEMBLY - continued. - TM-9-4520-258-14_161REAR PANEL ASSEMBLY - continued - TM-9-4520-258-14_162Figure 4-20. Rear Panel Installation (Sheet 1 of 2)REAR PANEL ASSEMBLY - continued. - TM-9-4520-258-14_164Figure 4-20. Rear Panel Installation (Sheet 2 of 2)DOOR ASSEMBLIES SIDE REAR AND SIDE FRONTFigure 4-21. Door RemovalDOOR ASSEMBLIES SIDE REAR AND SIDE FRONT- continued.Figure 4-23. Door InstallationDUCT COVER ASSEMBLYFigure 4-24. Duct Cover AssemblyRETURN/SUPPLY SCREEN.Figure 4-25. Return/Supply ScreenCONTROL BOX ASSEMBLY. - TM-9-4520-258-14_174CONTROL BOX ASSEMBLY - continued - TM-9-4520-258-14_175Power and Thermostat Circuit BreakersPurge and Flame Reset SwitchesFlameout, High Temp and Power LightsTransformer/Terminal BoardsCONTROL BOX ASSEMBLY - continued - TM-9-4520-258-14_180Figure 4-31. Control Box Assembly Terminal Boards/Transformer (Sheet 1 of 3)Assembly - continued - TM-9-4520-258-14_182CONTROL BOX ASSEMBLY - continued. - TM-9-4520-258-14_183Figure 4-31. Control Box Assembly Terminal Boards/Transformer (Sheet 3 of 3)CONTROL BOX ASSEMBLY - continued. - TM-9-4520-258-14_185Figure 4-33. Control Box Assembly, Purge and Flame Reset SwitchesThermostat and Power Circuit BreakersHourmeter and Mode SwitchFigure 4-35. Control Box Assembly Hourmeter and MODE SwitchFUEL PRESSURE GAGE.Figure 4-36. Fuel Pressure GageCOMBUSTOR CONTROL RELAY (K1) ASSEMBLY.COMBUSTOR CONTROL RELAY (K1) ASSEMBLY - continuedFigure 4-37. Combustor Control Relay (Sheet 2 of 2)Figure 4-38. Combustor Control Relay Assembly/DisassemblyInstallation - TM-9-4520-258-14_196Figure 4-39. Combustor Control Relay Installation (Sheet 2 of 2)AIR PRESSURE SWITCH.Figure 4-40. Air Pressure Switch, TestingInstallation - TM-9-4520-258-14_200Figure 4-41. Air Pressure SwitchAdjustment - TM-9-4520-258-14_202Figure 4-42. Air Pressure Switch, AdjustmentTHERMOSTAT ASSEMBLY.Figure 4-43. Thermostat Assembly RemovalDisassembly - TM-9-4520-258-14_206Figure 4-45. Thermostat Assembly RepairFigure 4-46. Thermostat Assembly AssemblyFigure 4-47. Thermostat Assembly InstallationCOMBUSTOR FAN ASSEMBLY.Figure 4-48. Combustor Fan Removal (Sheet 1 of 2)Figure 4-48. Combustor Fan Removal (Sheet 2 of 2)Disassembly - TM-9-4520-258-14_213Figure 4-50. Combustor Fan Assembly Installation (Sheet 1 of 2)Installation continued FUEL PUMP AND SOLENOID VALVE.Figure 4-51. Fuel Pump and Solenoid Valve Removal (Sheet 1 of 2 )Figure 4-51. Fuel Pump and Solenoid Valve Removal (Sheet 2 of 2 )Disassembly - TM-9-4520-258-14_219Figure 4-52. Fuel Pump and Solenoid Valve Assembly/disassembly (Sheet 2 of 2)Installation - TM-9-4520-258-14_221Figure 4-53. Fuel Pump and Solenoid Valve Installation (Sheet 2 of 2)Adjustment - TM-9-4520-258-14_223CIRCULATING MOTOR AND FANFigure 4-55. Circulating Motor and Fan RemovalInstallation - TM-9-4520-258-14_226Figure 4-56. Circulating Motor and Fan InstallationTRANSFORMER ASSEMBLY.Figure 4-57. Transformer RemovalInstallation - TM-9-4520-258-14_230Figure 4-58. Transformer Installation (Sheet 2 of 2)BURNER ASSEMBLY - TM-9-4520-258-14_232Figure 4-59. Burner Assembly RemovalRepair - TM-9-4520-258-14_234Figure 4-60. Burner Assembly InstallationHEAT EXCHANGER ASSEMBLY. - TM-9-4520-258-14_236Figure 4-61. Heat Exchanger RemovalRemoval - continued - TM-9-4520-258-14_238Figure 4-62. Flame Sensor RemovalRemoval - continued - TM-9-4520-258-14_240Figure 4-63. Fuel Line and Sight Glass RemovalInstallation - TM-9-4520-258-14_242Figure 4-64. Fuel Line and Sight Glass InstallationFigure 4-65. Flame Sensor InstallationInstallation -continuedFUEL TANK ASSEMBLY.Figure 4-67. Fuel Tank RemovalRemoval - continued - TM-9-4520-258-14_248Figure 4-69. Fuel Tank DisassemblyFUEL TANK ASSEMBLY - continued.Figure 4-71. Fuel Tank AssemblyAssembly - continued - TM-9-4520-258-14_252Figure 4-73. Fuel Tank InstallationPOWER CABLE ASSEMBLY.Figure 4-74. Power Cable RemovalRepair - TM-9-4520-258-14_256Figure 4-75. Power Cable Repair (Sheet 1of 3)POWER CABLE ASSEMBLY - continued.Figure 4-75. Power Cable Repair (Sheet 3of 3)Installation - TM-9-4520-258-14_260Figure 4-76. Power Cable InstallationJACK ASSEMBLY.Figure 4-77. Jack AssemblyWHEEL ASSEMBLY.Figure 4-78. Wheel AssemblyDAMPER ASSEMBLY.Figure 4-79. Damper Assembly Removal/DisassemblyDAMPER ASSEMBLY - continued.Figure 4-80. Damper Assembly Assembly/InstallationFRAME ASSEMBLY.Figure 4-81. Frame Assembly Disassembly (Sheet 1 of 2)FRAME ASSEMBLY - continued.Figure 4-82. Frame Assembly (Sheet 1 of 2)Assembly - continued Figure 4-82. Frame Assembly (Sheet 2 of 2)Section VII. PREPARATION FOR STORAGE OR SHIPMENTCHAPTER 5 DIRECT SUPPORT MAINTENANCE INSTRUCTIONS - TM-9-4520-258-14_277REAR PANEL.Figure 5-1. Rear Panel RepairCONTROL BOX ASSEMBLY. - TM-9-4520-258-14_280Figure 5-2. Control Box RemovalDisassembly - TM-9-4520-258-14_282Figure 5-3. Control Box Disassembly (Sheet 2 of 2)Assembly - TM-9-4520-258-14_284Figure 5-4. Control Box Assembly (Sheet 2 of 2)Installation - TM-9-4520-258-14_286Figure 5-5. Control Box InstallationCIRCULATING AIR FAN/PUMP/MOTOR ASSEMBLYFigure 5-6. Circulating Air Fan/Pump/Motor Assembly RemovalInstallation - TM-9-4520-258-14_290Figure 5-7. Circulating Air Fan/Pump Motor Assembly InstallationBURNER ASSEMBLY - TM-9-4520-258-14_292Disassembly - TM-9-4520-258-14_293Assembly - TM-9-4520-258-14_294Figure 5-9. Burner Assembly (Sheet 2 of 5)Assembly - TM-9-4520-258-14_296Figure 5-9. Burner Assembly (Sheet 4 of 5)Figure 5-9. Burner Assembly (Sheet 5 of 5)HEAT EXCHANGER ASSEMBLY. - TM-9-4520-258-14_299Figure 5-10. Heat Exchanger, RemovalFigure 5-11. Heat Exchanger, RemovalRemoval Figure 5-13. Heat Exchanger, DisassemblyDisassembly - TM-9-4520-258-14_304Figure 5-15. Heat Exchanger, AssemblyAssembly - TM-9-4520-258-14_306Figure 5-17. Heat Exchanger, AssemblyInstallation - TM-9-4520-258-14_308Figure 5-19. Heat Exchanger, InstallationFigure 5-20. Heat Exchanger, InstallationFigure 5-21. Heat Exchanger, InstallationFRAME ASSEMBLYFigure 5-22. Frame AssemblyDisassembly - TM-9-4520-258-14_314Figure 5-24. Frame AssemblyFigure 5-25. Frame Assembly (Sheet 1 of 2)Assembly - TM-9-4520-258-14_317Figure 5-26. Frame AssemblyAPPENDIX A REFERENCES - TM-9-4520-258-14_320APPENDIX B MAINTENANCE ALLOCATION CHART - TM-9-4520-258-14_321MAINTENANCE FUNCTIONS - continuedEXPLANATION OF COLUMNS IN THE MAC - SECTION II.EXPLANATION OF COLUMNS IN REMARKS, SECTION IV.Section II. MAINTENANCE ALLOCATION CHART FOR ARMY SPACE HEATERSection II. MAINTENANCE ALLOCATION CHART -continued - TM-9-4520-258-14_326Section II. MAINTENANCE ALLOCATION CHART -continued - TM-9-4520-258-14_327SECTION III. TOOLS AND TEST EQUIPMENT REQUIREMENTSAPPENDIX C COMPONENTS OF END ITEM AND BASIC ISSUE ITEMS LIST - TM-9-4520-258-14_329Section II. COMPONENTS OF END ITEM - TM-9-4520-258-14_330Figure C-1. Components of End Items.Section III. BASIC ISSUE ITEMS - TM-9-4520-258-14_332APPENDIX D ADDITIONAL AUTHORIZATION LIST - TM-9-4520-258-14_333APPENDIX E EXPENDABLE/DURABLE SUPPLIES AND MATERIALS LIST - TM-9-4520-258-14_334Section II. EXPENDABLE AND DURABLE ITEMS LISTMANUFACTURED ITEMS PART NUMBER INDEX.MANUFACTURED ITEMS PART NUMBER INDEX - continued - TM-9-4520-258-14_337MANUFACTURED ITEMS PART NUMBER INDEX - continued. - TM-9-4520-258-14_338Figure F-1. GasketMANUFACTURED ITEMS PART NUMBER INDEX - continued - TM-9-4520-258-14_340MANUFACTURED ITEMS PART NUMBER INDEX - continued - TM-9-4520-258-14_341MANUFACTURED ITEMS PART NUMBER INDEX - continued. - TM-9-4520-258-14_342MANUFACTURED ITEMS PART NUMBER INDEX - continued. - TM-9-4520-258-14_343Figure FO-1. ASH Electrical SchematicFigure F-9. InsulationFigure F-11. InsulationMANUFACTURED ITEMS PART NUMBER INDEX - continued - TM-9-4520-258-14_347MANUFACTURED ITEMS PART NUMBER INDEX - continued. - TM-9-4520-258-14_348MANUFACTURED ITEMS PART NUMBER INDEX - continued. - TM-9-4520-258-14_349MANUFACTURED ITEMS PART NUMBER INDEX - continued. - TM-9-4520-258-14_350MANUFACTURED ITEMS PART NUMBER INDEX - continued. - TM-9-4520-258-14_351Figure F-18. InsulationMANUFACTURED ITEMS PART NUMBER INDEX - continued - TM-9-4520-258-14_353MANUFACTURED ITEMS PART NUMBER INDEX - continued - TM-9-4520-258-14_354MANUFACTURED ITEMS PART NUMBER INDEX - continued - TM-9-4520-258-14_355MANUFACTURED ITEMS PART NUMBER INDEX - continued. - TM-9-4520-258-14_356Figure F-23. Cable, Dust CoverMANUFACTURED ITEMS PART NUMBER INDEX - continued - TM-9-4520-258-14_358MANUFACTURED ITEMS PART NUMBER INDEX - continued - TM-9-4520-258-14_359Figure F-26. Gasket, Combustor Fan MountMANUFACTURED ITEMS PART NUMBER INDEX - continued. - TM-9-4520-258-14_361Figure F-28. Cable, Wheel AssemblyMANUFACTURED ITEMS PART NUMBER INDEX - continued - TM-9-4520-258-14_363MANUFACTURED ITEMS PART NUMBER INDEX - continued. - TM-9-4520-258-14_364MANUFACTURED ITEMS PART NUMBER INDEX - continued. - TM-9-4520-258-14_365MANUFACTURED ITEMS PART NUMBER INDEX - continued - TM-9-4520-258-14_366MANUFACTURED ITEMS PART NUMBER INDEX . continued.MANUFACTURED ITEMS PART NUMBER INDEX-continued - TM-9-4520-258-14_368MANUFACTURED ITEMS PART NUMBER INDEX-continued - TM-9-4520-258-14_369MANUFACTURED ITEMS PART NUMBER INDEX - continued. - TM-9-4520-258-14_370Figure F-33. Wire List (Sheet 5 of 5)MANUFACTURED ITEMS PART NUMBER INDEX - continued - TM-9-4520-258-14_372MANUFACTURED ITEMS PART NUMBER INDEX - continued. - TM-9-4520-258-14_373MANUFACTURED ITEMS PART NUMBER INDEX - continued. - TM-9-4520-258-14_374MANUFACTURED ITEMS PART NUMBER INDEX - continued - TM-9-4520-258-14_375Figure F-38. Tube Assembly, Fuel Pump MANUFACTURED ITEMS PART NUMBER INDEX - continued.Figure F-40. Tube Assembly, GageMANUFACTURED ITEMS PART NUMBER INDEX - continued. - TM-9-4520-258-14_379MANUFACTURED ITEMS PART NUMBER INDEX - continued. - TM-9-4520-258-14_380MANUFACTURED ITEMS PART NUMBER INDEX - continued - TM-9-4520-258-14_381MANUFACTURED ITEMS PART NUMBER INDEX - continued - TM-9-4520-258-14_382MANUFACTURED ITEMS PART NUMBER INDEX - continued - TM-9-4520-258-14_383APPENDIX G TORQUE LIMITS - TM-9-4520-258-14_384APPENDIX G TORQUE LIMITS - cont.APPENDIX G TORQUE LIMITS - cont - TM-9-4520-258-14_386APPENDIX G TORQUE LIMITS - cont - TM-9-4520-258-14_387APPENDIX H MANDATORY REPLACEMENT PARTSAPPENDIX H MANDATORY REPLACEMENT PARTS - continuedGLOSSARY - TM-9-4520-258-14_390