TM 9-4520-258-14
2-11. EMERGENCY PROCEDURES - continued.
Notify your supervisor.
Fuel on clothing can be fatal if ignited by a static discharge. If fuel
gets on your clothes, leave the refueling area as soon as possible
remove clothes and wash skin with warm soapy water before
getting dressed.
Avoid getting fuel on the body or clothing. If clothing becomes saturated with fuel, remove the clothing
and wash body with hot soapy water.
Detailed decontamination procedures can be found in FM 3-3, FM
3-4, and FM 3-5.
General. The following emergency procedures can be followed until field NBC Decontamination Facilities
are available. Assigned operators will assist the supporting NBC unit.
Emergency Procedure. If NBC attack is known or suspected, mask at once and perform the following:
If unit is operating with either the dampener open or return air duct removed:
Stop operation.
Notify your supervisor and personnel in the shelter connected to the ASH Unit.
Do not disconnect the unit.
Close or cover all openings.
Have decontamination done on the equipment.
Operate unit in accordance with para 2-8 with both ducts attached and damper closed.
If unit is operating with dampener closed and both air ducts attached:
Unit operation may continue.
Do not open any door or panels.
Have decontamination done on unit.
2-41/(2-42 blank)