TM 9-4520-272-14&P
0016 00
Table 1. Troubleshooting Procedure for Large Capacity Field Heater (LCFH).
15. Heater starts, displays error
Step 1. This error code indicates that
Step 1. Turn power switch to OFF.
code: S221 but burner fails to
burner failed to start after 3 attempts.
Open the burner access door and
The diesel engine and other systems
ensure that the flame sensor wire
may operate but the burner failed to
harness connector is connected
securely. Flip RESET switch and
attempt restart.
Step 2. If flame sensor is connected
securely and problem occurs again,
16. Heater starts, runs properly
Step 1. This error code indicates that
Step 1. This problem may be caused
but displays error code: S231
there was a burner flame detected
by excess fuel in the burner during
when the system is in post-
during burner post-purge.
system post-purge or by excess
purge mode
carbon in the burner. Re-start heater
and attempt to recreate problem. If
problem doesn't reappear, it may be
a one time occurrence.
Step 2. Determine if flame sensor is
Step 2. Clean burner cone of excess
detecting light when it shouldn't be.
Step 3. Determine if fuel solenoid valve
Step 3. Ensure that flame sensor is
FS1 has failed to open.
firmly seated in burner flame sensor
tube. If firmly seated, replace flame
sensor IAW 0053 00.
FS1 has opened properly.
Step 1. Turn power switch to OFF.
17. Heater starts, runs for a time,
Step 1. This error code indicates that
and then displays error code:
the burner had a loss of flame while
Open the burner access door and
ensure that the flame sensor wire
harness connector is connected
securely. Flip RESET and attempt
restart. If securely connected and
problem persists, replace flame
Step 2. Remove fuel nozzle and ensure
Step 2. Remove and clean fuel
nozzle IAW 0050 00.
that it is not clogged.
Step 3. Remove burner cone and
Step 3. Remove and clean burner
remove any excess carbon buildup.
Step 4. Replace fuel filter IAW 0027
Step 4. Fuel filter may require
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