TM 10-4520-259-13&P
Storage site selection. Inside storage is preferred for items selected for administrative storage. If inside storage is not
available, trucks, vans, conex containers and other containers may be used.
Inspection. In addition to the unit PMCS procedures, inspect the water heater for dirt, oil, corrosion,
missing items and any signs of damage.
Draining and dismantling. Drain water from heater as described in paragraph 2-13. Dismantle the water
heater as described in paragraph 2-15.
Cleaning and drying. Clean and dry the water heater in accordance with procedures described in
paragraph 2-5 and TM 38-230-1.
Seal openings. Seal all openings on the water heater and fuel hoses with pressure sensitive tape (Item 18,
Appendix F).
Perform procedures outlined in paragraph 4-20 SERVICE a. through f. and correct all deficiencies determined during
Painting. Repaint all surfaces where necessary by first priming with primer (Item 12, Appendix F) then
painting with paint (Item 11, Appendix F). Apply a medium grade protective lubricating oil (Item 10,
Appendix F) to exposed, polished, ground metal surface susceptible to corrosion or not otherwise
Packaging. Package the water heater as follows:
Open all valves and drain cocks.
Connect fuel supply and return lines to the oil filter and fuel pump, respectively. Coil the lines
beneath the heater and connect the ends to the fuel line holder.
Fill the burner pump with P-10, grade 10 or grade 30 preservative (MIL-P-116).
Treat all remaining interior surfaces with P-10, grade 10 or grade 30 preservative applied by fogging,
spraying or completely filling and draining.
Seal openings on the air shutter, smoke stack, manifold, and electric motor with barrier material
(Item 19, Appendix F) and tape (Item 18, Appendix F) or with tape only.
Place barrier material over gages, sight glasses and dials and secure with tape.
Thread the drum adapter extension into the 1/4 inch return port. Hand tighten.