36. Hot Fluid Strainers
a. Removal. Refer to Fig. 21 and remove the hot fluid strainers.
1. Shut off all valves on each side of strainers.
2. Remove plugs in bottom of strainer; allow to drain and install plug.
3. Remove bolts from flanges on strainers; remove strainers.
4. Reference Figure 22 and disassemble strainers.
b. Cleaning and Inspection.
1. Clean all parts with an approved cleaning solvent and dry thoroughly.
Inspect the hot fluid strainer bodies, flanges, top plate and fittings for cracks, breaks,
damaged threads, and other damage.
3. Inspect the condition of the strainer baskets. Replace all defective parts.
c. Installation.
1. Refer to Figure 22 and assemble strainers.
2. Install strainers in reverse order of removal.
3. Check all gaskets when putting strainers back in place.
Figure 21. Hot Fluid Strainer Mounting