37. Valves, Lines and Fittings
a. General. The valves, lines and fittings consist of the following assemblies: hot oil strainer piping, pump inlet line, pump
discharge line, by-pass line, reservoir (make up) line, and coil front (header) pipe. The only removable lines are the front
part of the strainer piping and the rear part of the by-pass line. Ref. Figure 23
b. Removal.
1. Remove the hot fluid strainers, Para. 36.
2. Remove front part of strainer piping.
c. Cleaning and Inspection.
1. Clean all parts with an approved cleaning solvent and dry thoroughly.
2. Inspect valves, lines and fittings for cracks, breaks, damaged threads and inspect the valves for operation.
d. Installation. Replace the hot fluid strainers, Para. 36.