TM 5-4520-208-15
(3) Trailer identification plate. Located
The cabinet on Model BT400-40 heaters is
on the right side of the trailer and
removable and retained by spring-loaded
contains the following information:
latches. On Model BT400-40-1 heaters, the
cabinet is hinged and is provided with cab-
(a) Trailer type, stock number, and
inet supports. When the heater is in operation
serial number.
the air inlet door (fig. 1) of the cabinet must
(b) Manufacturer's name and address.
be open to allow air flow. The control box
(c) Part number, contract number, and
on the right of the heater has a hinged cover
date manufactured.
which opens to allow access to the controls.
(d) Weight.
Access to the power unit and all other con-
(4) Electric motor identification plate.
trols may be gained by removing the cabinet.
f. Trailer. A two-wheeled trailer is provided
Located on the electric motor housing,
and contains the following informa-
to transport the heater when moving from
worksite to worksite. Duct holders (figs. 1
and 2) hold the six-inch air hose when they
(a) Number of phases, voltage, and
are nut in use. The 12-inch air hose and duct
adapter are stored in the basket (fig. 1). An
(b) Type and frame.
adjustable tow bar (fig. 1) serves as a support
when the trailer is at rest. Several trailers can
(d) Revolutions per minute, code, and
be towed in tandem by attaching the tow bar
service factor.
to the tow pin (fig. 2) of the preceding
(e) Motor model number.
c. Heater (Model BT400-40-1).
4. Identification
(1) U.S. Army identification plate. Lo-
a. General. The Model BT400-40 and
shield and contains the following
B400-40-1 heaters have eight identification
and instruction plates. The information con-
(a) Nomenclature.
tained on these plates is listed below:
(b) Model and contract number.
b. Heater (Model BT40040).
(c) Serial number and capacity.
(1) Corps of Engineer plate. Located on
(d) Dimensions and weight.
(e) Federal stock number and date
contains the following information.
(a) Nomenclature.
(f) Engine serial number.
(b) Stock number.
(g) Warranty information and manu-
(c) Serial number.
(d) Manufacturer and model number.
(e) Contract number and date manu-
(2) Manufacturer's identification plate.
Located on the left side panel and
(f) Dimensions, weight, and capacity.
contains the information listed in para-
(g) Engine manufacturer, model, and
graph b(2) above.
serial number.
(3) Trailer identification plate. Located
on the right side of the trailer frame
(2) Manufacturer's identification plate.
and contains the following informa-
Located on the right side panel and
contains the following information:
(a) Nomenclature.
(a) Manufacturer's name' and address.
(b) Part number and serial number.
(b) Trailer type, Federal stock number,
and serial number.
(c) Federal stock number and contract
(c) Part number, contract number, and
(d) Rating.