TM 5-4520-208-15
b. Spark Plug. The gasoline engine spark
68. Replacement of Suppression Comments
plug is integrally shielded and suppressed and
a. Spark Plug. Refer to TM 5-2805-208-14
is located in the cylinder head.
for replacement of the spark plug.
c. Spark Plug Cable. The gasoline engine
b. Spark Plug Cable. Refer to TM 5-2805-
plug cable, leading from the magneto to the
208-14 for replacement of the spark plug cable,
spark plug, is encased in a braided metal
shield and grounded to the flywheel housing.
d. Heater Magneto. The heater magneto is
for replacement of the heater magneto.
inclosed in a metal frame and end cap.
e. Ignition Cable. The heater ignition cable,
replacement of ignition cable.
leading from the heater magneto to the ig-
niter plug, is encased in a braided metal shield.
f. Igniter Plug. The igniter plug is
shielded and suppressed.
f. Electric Motor Power Unit. Refer to para-
g. Electric Motor Power Unit. The electric
graph 12 for replacement of the electric motor
power unit.
motor power unit is inclosed in a metal case.
d. Removal (BT400-40-1).
69. General
(1) Disengage latches and open cabinet.
sheet metal inclosure which fits over the drive
nuts securing door supports to cabinet.
section of the heater to protect the power unit
and components.
and nuts securing cabinet hinge to
heater frame.
70. Repair
(4) Lift cabinet from heater.
e. Repair.
approved cleaning solvent and dry thoroughly.
(1) Weld cracks, breaks, and loose welds.
Clean air screen to remove any foreign mate-
Straighten bends and dents.
(2) Paint all exposed metal surfaces to
prevent rusting. Refer to TM 9-213
h. Inspection.
for painting instructions.
(1) Inspect cabinet and air inlet door for
(3) Replace all damaged parts.
bends, dents, cracks, loose welds, cor-
f. Installation (BT400-40). Place cabinet on
rosion, rust, distortion, or other
heater and secure by engaging latches.
g. Installation (BT400-40-1).
(2) Inspect hinge and catch for proper op-
(1) Install cabinet on heater frame and
eration. Check air inlet screen for
secure screws, lockwashers, and nuts.
(2) Connect door supports to cabinet and
c. Removal (BT400-40). The cabinet is se-
secure using four screws, lockwashers,
and nuts.
cured to the heater frame with latches. To re-
(3) Close cabinet and secure by engaging
move the cabinet from the heater, disengage
the latches and lift cabinet from heater.