TM 5-4520-208-15
1. General
c. Service. To clean, to preserve, to charge,
This Appendix contains the explanation of
air. If it is desired that elements, such as
all the maintenance and repair functions au-
painting and lubricating, be defined separately,
thorized the various maintenance levels.
they may be so listed.
a. Section H, MAC (Maintenance Allocation
d. Adjust. To rectify to the extent necessary
Chart) designates overall responsibility for the
to bring into proper operating range.
performance of maintenance operation, The
e. Aline. To adjust specified variable. element
implementation of maintenance tasks upon the
of an item to bring to optimum performance.
end item or components will be consistent with
f. Calibrate. To determine the corrections to
the assigned maintenance operations.
be made in the readings of instruments or test
b. Section III (Tool and Test Equipment Re-
equipment used in precise measurement. Con-
quirement) contains a list of the special tools
sists of the comparison of two instruments, one
and special test equipment required for each
of which is a certified standard of known ac-
maintenance operation as referenced from the
curacy of the instruments being compared with
MAC Section II Column K. This section cross
the certified standard.
references a paticular maintenance operation
g. Install. To set up for use in a opera-
on the MAC when special tools and equipment
tional environment such as an emplacement,
are required to perform a specific maintenance
site or vehicle.
h. Replace. To replace unserviceable items
c. Section IV (REMARKS) contains supple-
with serviceable assemblies, subassemblies or
mented instructions, explanatory nutes and/or
illustrations required for a particular mainte
i. Repair. To restore an item to serviceable
nance operations. This section is cross referenced
condition. This includes but is not limited to
to MAC Section II Column L.
inspection, cleaning, preserving, adjusting, re-
placing, welding, riveting, and strengthening.
2. Maintenance Operations
j. Overhaul. To restore an item to a com-
Maintenance is any action taken to keep
pletely serviceable condition as prescribed by
material in a serviceable condition or to restore
maintenance serviceability standards using the
it to serviceability when it is unserviceable.
Inspect and Repair Only as Necessary
Maintenance of material includes the following:
(IROAN) technique.
a. Inspect. To determine serviceability of an
k. Rebuild. To restore an item to a standard
item by comparing its physical, mechanical and
as nearly as possible to original or new condi-
electrical characteristics with established
tion in appearance, performance, and life ex-
pectancy. This is accomplished through com-
b. Test. To verify serviceability and to detect
plete disassembly of the item, inspection of all
electrical or mechanical failure by use of test
parts or components, repair or replacement of
worn or unserviceable elements (items) using