TM 5-4520-208-15
c. Cleaning, Inspection, and Repair.
168. Skid Base and Cover
(1) Clean the skid base (26, fig. 39) and
a. General. The skid cover supports. the cas-
ing and power unit support. The skid base in-
approved cleaning solvent and dry
closes the fuel tank and provides a base for
the heater. The fuel tank hangers are bolted to
the skid cover, and set into the skid base with
(2) Inspect base and cover for breaks,
the base and cover bolted together to provide
cracks, damaged threads, and other
an inclosure and means of sliding the heater
damage. Weld minor breaks and
from place to place. Handles on the skid base
cracks. Inspect weld nuts for damaged
provide strapping facilities when heater is
threads and secure attachment. Weld
mounted on the trailer.
loose nuts. Replace damaged parts.
d. Installation. Install the skid base (para
95). Install casing and bulkheads on
remove the casing and bulkheads from skid
169. General
b. Cleaning, Inspection, and Repair.
a. The fuel tank is secured to the skid cover
(1) Clean and inspect the fuel tank as
and is inclosed by the skid base.
(2) If there are any damaged seams, small
b. A fuel gage is mounted in the tank next
punctures, or leaks, fill fuel tank
to the fuel tank cap. Connectors mounted in
with water and weld all damaged
openings in the fuel tank serve as connections
for the heater and gasoline engine power unit
spots. Check security of welds sup-
porting tank hangers and repair welds
tube assemblies. A drain plug, in the rear of
if necessary.
the tank, is accessible through a cutout in the
(9) After repairing, drain water from
skid base.
fuel tank and run cleaning solvent
through tank to remove all traces of
170. Fuel Tank
water and foreign particles.
a. Removal.
c. Installation.
(1) Drain fuel tank and disconnect all
tube assemblies.
(2) Connect all tube assemblies.
171. General
thru bolts (3).
The bracket mounted electric motor unit
(4) Remove the cap plug (2) and, using
issued with the Model BT400-40 heater is a
a soft drift, drive the armature shaft
dust-proof, sealed unit and should require only
once-a-year maintenance to repack the shaft
bell (19) from the housing (7).
roller beatings.
(5) Remove the drive endbell and spring
172. Electric Motor
(4) from the shaft.
a. Removal and Disassembly.
(6) Remove endbell (1) from the housing.
(1) Remove the motor from the bracket
b . Inspection and Testing. Refer to TM 5-
764 for inspection, testing, `and repair of elec-
tric motors. Replace the electric motor housing
and stator if the stator is defective.