S e c t i o n I. GENERAL
1-1 Scope
1-3 Reporting of Errors
This manual is for use in operating and maintaining
You can improve this manual by calling attention to
the VBM Corporation Model VBM-250 portable,
errors and by recommending improvements, using
duct-type gasoline heater shown in Figure l-l. This
DA Form 2028, (Recommended Changes to
Publications) or by a letter, and mail directly to the
manual contains instructions on the operation and
Commanding General, U.S. Army Mobility Equip-
organizational, direct support and general support
ment Command. A'ITN: AMSME-MPP, 4300 Good-
maintenance of the gasoline heaters as allocated by
the Maintenance Allocation Chart. It provides in-
fellow Boulevard, St. Louis, MO. 63120. A reply will
formation on the operation, lubrication, preventive
be furnished directly to you.
maintenance checks and services and maintenance
Equipment Serviceability Criteria
of the heaters, its accessories, components, and at-
This equipment is not covered by an ESC.
l-5 Destruction of Army Material to
1-2 Maintenance Forms And Records
Prevent Enemy Use.
Maintenance forms and records that you are
required to use are explained in TM 38-750.
Refer to `I'M 750-244-3 for destruction of the ,
gasoline heaters.