The VBM Corporation heater Model VBM-250 is a
primary uses are as follows:
compact, self-powered heating unit, designed to
a. To heat portable hangers, garages, large tents
produce and deliver a steady flow of heated air
or shelters, including semi-permanent frame
buildings, or, as a temporary expedient, to heat per-
manent buildings. This heater unit is not to be
operated indoors. All heating and/or ventilating is
by ducts.
chamber air blower. The front end of the heater con-
"b. To provide heat to keep truck, tank, light plane,
tains handles which are provided to make the unit
or other engines warm during prolonged idle
portable. This unit may be used wherever a self-
periods; to preheat engines before starting; or to
contained, and self-powered unit is required. Its
heat operators' compartments for tactical readiness.