TM 5-4520-244-14
(11) R e b u i l d .
item, part, or module (component or
Consists of those services/
assembly) in a manner to allow the
unserviceable equipment to a like new con-
proper functioning of an equipment
dition in accordance with original manu-
or system.
facturing standards. Rebuild is the high-
( 8 ) R e p l a c e The act of sub-
est degree of material maintenance appli-
stituting a serviceable like type
ed to Army equipment. The rebuild opera-
part, subassembly, or module (compon-
tion includes the act of returning to zero
ent or assembly) for an unservice
those age measurements (hours/milesj etc.)
able counterpart.
considered in classifying Army equipments/
(9) Repair. The application
of maintenance services (inspect,
test, service, adjust, align, cali-
d. Column (4), M a i n t e n a n c e Category.
brate, or replace) or other mainten-
This column is made up of sub-columns for
each category of maintenance. Work time
ance actions (welding, grinding,
figures are listed in these sub-columns
riveting, straightening, facing
remachining, or resurfacing) to re-
for the lowest level of maintenance auth-
orized to perform the function listed in
store serviceability to an item by
column 3. These figures indicate the ave-
correcting specific damage, fault,
malfunction, or failure in a part,
rage active time required to perform the
sub-assembly, module (component or
maintenance function at the indicated
category of maintenance under typical field
assembly), end item, or system.
(10) Overhaul. That
operating conditions.
e. Column (5), T O Ol s and Equipment.
ance effort (service/action) neces-
This column is provided for referencing by
sary to restore an item to a com-
code, the common tool sets (not individual
pletely serviceable/operational
tools) special tools, test and support
condition as prescribed by mainten-
equipment required to perform the designa-
ance standards in appropriate tech-
nical manuals. Overhaul is normal-
ted functions (Not Applicable).
ly the highest degree of mainten-
ance performed by the Army. Over-
haul does not normally return an
item to a like new condition.