TM 5-4520-253-13
Section Il.
a. General. Your Preventive Maintenance Checks and Services table lists the inspections and care of your equip-
ment required to keep it in good operating condition.
(1) Before you operate. Always keep in mind the CAUTIONS and WARNINGS. Perform your before (B) PMCS.
(2) While you operate. Always keep in mind the CAUTIONS and WARNINGS. Perform your during (D) PMCS.
(3) After you operate. Be sure to perform your after (A) PMCS.
(4) If your equipment fails to operate. If your equipment does not perform as required, notify unit maintenance
to troubleshoot problem. Report any malfunctions or failures on the proper DA Form 2404, or refer to DA PAM 738-750.
b. PMCS columnar entries.
(1) Item number column. This is the order in which you perform checks and services on (equipment name).
The entry in this column will also be used as a source of item numbers for the TM Item Number column on DA
Form 2404, Equipment Inspection and Maintenance Worksheet, in recording results of PMCS.
(2) Interval columns. The interval column of your PMCS table tells you when to do a certain check or service.
(3) Item to be inspected. Identification of item to be inspected.
(4) Procedures column. The procedures column of your PMCS table tells you how to do the required checks
and services. Carefully follow these instructions. If you do not have the tools, or if the procedure tells you to, have
the next higher level of maintenance do the work.
(5) Equipment is not ready/available if: column. Entries in this column will be keyed specifically to checks listed
in the procedures column for the purpose of identifying, for the check, the criteria that will cause the equipment
to be classified as not ready/available because of inability to perform its primary Combat Mission. An entry in this
column will:
Identify conditions that make the equipment not ready/available for readiness reporting.
Deny use of the equipment until corrective maintenance has been performed.
c. Special instructions. Leakage definitions for operator/crew PMCS shall be classified as follows:
Class I Seepage of fluid (as indicated by wetness or discoloration) not great enough to form drops.
Class II Leakage of fluid great enough to form drops but not enough to cause drops to drip from item being
Class Ill Leakage of fluid great enough to form drops that fall from the item being checked/inspected.
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