TM 5-4520-253-13
3. Solder wires(12, 13, 14, and 5) to new room thermostat receptacle (11) as follows:
a. Solder orange wire (12) to terminal A.
b. Solder green harness wire(13) and ground (green) wire (5) to terminal B.
c. Solder violet wire (14) to terminal C.
4. For Model UH68G, make potting rim (15) around room thermostat receptacle (11) using tape. Rim
must project beyond receptacle around wires ( 12, 13, 14, and 5) 1/4 inch (6.35 mm) or more;
fill rim with sealant and allow 8 hours to cure.
5. For Model UH-68G1, push grommet (11C) into rear of room thermostat receptacle (11), seat
ferrule (11B) over grommet, and tighten endbell (11A) to threads on rear of receptacle.
6. Position room thermostat receptacle (11) in mounting hole from inside control box.
7. Secure room thermostat receptacle (11) with four screws (6), lock washers (7), and nuts (8). Use
one screw (6) to attach chain (9) of dust cover (10).
8. Attach ground wire (5) using screw (1), lock washers (2 and 3), and nut (4).
Change 2
3-40.1 /(3-40.2 blank)