TM 5-4520-253-13lNSPECT/REMOVE/INSTALL POWER RECEPTACLE AND EXTERNAL FUEL PUMPRECEPTACLE (CONT)5. Reach through heater case opening (10) and disconnect louver linkage from louver.6. Remove louver panel(11) by unlocking eight studs (12).7. Check for damage to POWER RECEPTACLE (5) and EXTERNAL FUEL PUMP RECEPTACLE (6) insideheater case. Replace defective receptacle.NOTEFor Model UH-68G, wires connected to POWER RECEPTA-CLE and EXTERNAL FUEL PUMP RECEPTACLE are pottedto the receptacles. To remove a receptacle, wires must becut and receptacle replaced. Pot wires to new receptacle.For Model UH-68G1, wires connected to POWER RECEPTA-CLE and EXTERNAL FUEL PUMP RECEPTACLE are sol-dered and mechanically sealed to the receptacles. Toremove a receptacle, receptacle must be disassembled,wires must be cut or unsoldered, and receptacle replaced.REMOVAL:1. Remove POWER RECEPTACLE as follows:a. Remove four screws (1), lock washers (2), and nuts (3). Pull POWER RECEPTACLE (4) out of mountinghole from inside heater case.Change 23-61
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