TM 5-4520-256-14
(b) Remove two screws (9) and remove cap and chain (2) from rear end (8) of old connector (7). If
undamaged, cap and chain can be reused.
(c) Slide end of cable through new rear end (8), gasket (7A) and boot ( 10).
(d) Slide end of cable (11) through new connector (7).
(e) Strip .75 inch of insulation from cable (11) to expose three insulated wires.
(f) Strip .25 inch insulation from each insulated wire and install new terminals (4), (6), and (15).
(g) Remove three screws (5) from new plug (3).
Always ground green wire onto plug to match the ground blade of the lug. Failure to do so can
result in serious injury or death during equipment setup and operation.
(h) Place terminals (4), (6), and (15) into position on plug (3) and install with three screws (5).
(i) Pull boot (10) and connector (7) down cable (11) until plug (3) snaps into place inside connector (7).
(j) Thread rear end (8) to connector (7).
(k) Install two screws (9) and cap and chain (2) onto rear end (8) of connector (7).
(l) If terminals ( 12), (13), or (14) are defective, cut off defective terminal.
(m) Strip 8 inches of insulation from cable (11) end to expose three insulated conductor wires.
(n) Install new terminals (12), (13), or (14) by stripping wire installation .25 inch on conductor and crimping
new terminals onto wire.
3-86.2 Change 3