TM 9-4520-251-14
SCOPE - The extent of an activity or concept; the amount of information covered as in a book.
SOLVENT - A liquid that can dissolve another substance.
SPLINED Fitted with grooves or slots to enable positive coupling with a mating part, and to minimize slipping.
SURGE To increase suddenly; to move in a billowing or swelling manner.
TACTICAL - The art of deploying and directing ones forces against an enemy.
TIEDOWN - Strap or fastening device used to hold an object in position.
TORQUE Force around an axis. It produces a rotary or twisting motion, and is measured in foot pounds (ft lb)
or newton-meters (N·m).
TOXIC Harmful; deadly; poisonous.
VALVE - a device used to control the flow of a fluid.
VAPOR The gaseous form of any substance which is usually a liquid; vapors are present in the air around the
VELOCITY - Rapidity or speed.
VENTILATE To provide with a source of fresh or uncontaminated air.
VISUAL Visible; detected by the unaided eye.
WELD A union or joint (of metals) produced by applying heat, sometimes with pressure.