TM 9-4520-251-14
Table 4-1 lists preventive maintenance checks and services (PMCS) which shall be performed at specified in-
tervals by unit maintenance personnel. The columns, codes, and location designations used in the table are
as follows:
Item numbers are assigned to each check or service task. These numbers are to be used as a
source of item numbers for the TM Number column on DA Form 2404, Equipment Inspection and
Maintenance Worksheet, in recording results of PMCS.
b. The service intervals are divided into four categories: W Weekly; M Monthly; Q Quarterly;
S - Semiannually. A dot () is placed in the Interval column for each check or service. If the same
check or service is made in two or more intervals, a dot is placed in each applicable column.
The Item To Be Inspected column lists the item to be checked or serviced.
d. The Procedures column describes the procedure by which the check or service is to be performed.
Illustrations are included to assist in locating that part of the equipment requiring the check or service.
Before performing PMCS, allow sufficient time for heater to cool to
avoid personal injury.
Table 4-1. Unit Preventive Maintenance Checks and Services
Engage safety chain to louver to avoid serious injury whenever front
half hood is raised.
All procedural instructions assume that the front half hood is raised or both
the front half hood and bulkhead half hood have been removed if necessary
for access.
To raise front half hood (1), release latch (3), pivot half hood upward, and hook safety chain (4) on louver (5).
To remove entire hood assembly, release latch (3), remove bolts (6), and washers (7), and lift off trailer.