T M 9 - 4 9 3 1 - 3 8 1 - 1 4 & P - 2FRAME 15Remove Variable Resistor Knob:1.2.3.NOTElTo remove a variable resistor knob, do frame 15; toremove a switch knobs do frame 16; to remove a controldial, do frame 17.lUse this frame to remove any of seven potentiometerknobs:BRIGHTNESS R1SYMBOLSR5C O N T R A S T R 2RETICLER6S E N S I T I V I T Y R3RETICLE BRIGHTNESS R10C O N T R A S T R 5RETICLE BRIGHTNESS variable resistor R10 knob (1) isshown.Turn knob (1) fulIy counterclockwise.Unscrew but do not take out two set screws (2) with 5/64-inch key. Take knob (1)off post (3).Look at knob (1) for cracks, chips, or missing set screws (2). If bad. turn in knob (1).If OK, set aside for later use, do follow-on maintenance, and TASK 8 ENDS HERE.Follow-on Maintenance:NOTE: To install variable resistor knob, refer to task 22.GO TO FRAME 162-54Volume IVPara. 2-6, Task 8
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