tives, and methods of application are described in TM
waterproof kraft wrapping paper (UU-P-271) secured
in place with tape.
d. Painting. Paint surfaces where the paint has
g. Fuel Tank (Boxed or Crated Items). Drain the
been removed or damaged. Paint is required as
fuel tank after heater preservation.
h. Exterior Surfaces.
(l). Heater body, fuel tank. assembly, collar
(1) Apply a thin coat of CFM (corrosion preven-
assembly, and draft gate. The upper six inches of the
tive compound, Federal stock number 8030-251-5048)
outside surface of the body assembly and hanger as
to all surfaces of the burner, fuel valve, heater body,
well as all of the hangers which will be outside of the
and fuel tank.
corrugated can shall be thoroughly cleaned, given a
(2) Coat the threads of screws, bolts, and nuta
coat of primer and, when dry, given a coat of enamel.
with a thin film of PL-medium (lubrication oil,
The outside surface of the fuel tank assembly with
used for shipment and storage purposes only and
the fuller plug and vent plug in place and closed; with
the 1/8 inch outlet opening closed; and both inside
must be removed before putting the heater into
and outside of the hood, excluding the instruction
plate, shall be thoroughly cleaned, given a coat of
i. Disassembly, Disassembled, and Basic Issue
primer and, when dry, given a coat of enamel. All
Items. Disassembly shall be limited to the removal of
inside and outside surfaces of the collar assembly; all
components and parts that are subject to pilferage or
surfaces of the draft gage; all surfaces of the fuel
damage. Removed parts and basic issue items shall
tank strap and assembly except threads, both male
be packed in a suitable containers and secured to
and female; the entire gasoline valve with elbow and
the heater to prevent loss or damage. Refer to
nipple except for threads and valve stem; the hanger
TM-38-230-2 for guidance in container construction.
screws except the threaded portion; the hinge pin;
j. Marking. M a r k i n a c c o r d a n c e w i t h
and various nuts and heads of screws shall be
thoroughly cleaned, given a coat of primer and, when
dry, given a coat of enamel.
a. General. This paragraph provides instructions
(2) The primer shall conform to Federal specifi-
for preparation of the immersion heater for limited
cation TT-P-636 and the enamel to Federal specifica-
storage, not to exceed six months.
tion TT-P-636. The color of the enamel shall
b. Inspection and Maintenance of Equipment on
approximate color number X24087, olive drab of
Storage. When heaters have been placed in limited
Federal standard 595,
storage, all scheduled preventive maintenance ser-
Painting of materiel should be accomplished in
vices, including inspection, shall be suspended and
preventive maintenance inspection shall be per-
the open during dry weather when the temper-
formed as specified herein. Perform quarterly pre-
ature is not below 50F. Adequate forced draft
ventive maintenance services when the heater is
ventilation for indoor work should be provided
initially placed in limited storage and every 90 days
to carry off fumes.
thereafter. Record all deficiencies and shortcomings,
e. Depreservation Guide. Record depreservation
together with corrective action taken, on DA Form
instructions on DA Form 2258 or DD Form 1397 as
2404. Required maintenance will be performed
promptly to insure that the heater is mechanically
f. Sealing of Openings. Openings that will permit
sound and ready for immediate use. After each
the direct entry of water into the interior of fuel lines,
inspection represerve the heater as outlined in
oil burner, fittings, burner chamber, and fuel tank,
shall be sealed with pressure-sensitive tape conform-
ing to specification PPP-T-60, class 1, or covered with
decision, orders are issued which cover the desired
extent of destruction. Whatever method of demoli-
When capture or abandonment of the heater to an
tion is employed, it is essential to destroy the same
enemy is imminent the responsible unit commander
vital parts of all heaters and all corresponding repair
must make the decision either to destroy the
equipment or render it inoperative. Based on this