TM 10-4520-262-12&P 0009 00
0009 00-4
Table 1. Operator Troubleshooting Procedures
4. Battery Charged
Light Does Not Come
Step 1. Is the heater operating in
extremely cold conditions? Did the
battery pack possibly have a low charge
before operation?
Wait for a longer period of time for the
battery to charge. Battery should be
fully charged within 60 minutes of
heater operation.
Step 2. Has there been more than one
startup attempt in cold weather?
If there has been more than one
startup attempt in cold weather, the
batttery may be severely depleted and
may require up to 2 hours to recharge.
Step 3. Is fuel can full of proper fuel
type for temperature conditions?
Refer to WP 0001 00, Table 3.
Approved Fuels At Various
Temperatures. Verify that fuel being
used is appropriate for the
temperature in which the heater is
Step 4. Is there a kink or loop in the
fuel hose restricting the flow of fuel to
the heater?
Remove any kinks or loops in the fuel
hose and make sure that it lies flat
along ground.
Ensure that there are no kinks in the
hose on the gravity feed adapter.
Ensure that all fuel quick disconnect
connectors are securely engaged.
If the battery charged light does not
go out after applying the above
actions, notify unit maintenance.
The troubleshooting procedures that follow refer to the system fault advisory light on the in-tent controller.
In the event of a system fault, this light will flash from one to ten times accompanied by the same number
of audible tones. Take note of the number of flashes/tones and refer to the fault code listing below to
troubleshoot the specific condition.
5. Fault Code 1
Battery Low Voltage
Step 1. This fault condition is caused
by the battery having less than the
required voltage to start or operate the
Remove fuses from battery pack.
Visually inspect the element inside the
fuse to ensure both fuses are in good
condition. If one or more fuse is bad
or if you are in doubt, replace bad
fuse(s) with spare fuse(s) located
behind duct adapter at heater inlet
If condition persists, notify unit