TM 10-7310-241-12&P
4-22.20 Change 1
The white light is wired directly in parallel with the heating element,
therefore, power is applied to the heater whenever the white light is on.
(1) Check the two heating element leads (1) to verify that the electrical connections (2) (located in the
mid-point of each lead) are securely attached.
(2) If they are not, re-attach them. If either connection (2) is loose or defective, replace it.
(3) Check the two heater element leads (1) to determine if they are correctly connected to the circuit
board (3) and securely attached.
(4) If not, solder them securely to their correct locations, marked "HTR" on the circuit board (3). Touch up
the soldered connections, on both sides of the circuit board, with conformal coating.
(5) If a repair was made, verify that the HWR is now operating correctly.
(6) If it is not, unsolder the two heating element leads (1) from the circuit board (3).
cc. Testing the Heating Element.
When measuring the resistance, ensure that the resistance of the
ohmmeter leads is not included in the measured value. Ensure the
ohmmeter used is calibrated and zeroed.
(1) Measure the resistance between the two heating element leads (1). The measured value should be in
the range of 1.86 to 2.06 ohms.
(2) Ensure there is no continuity between the leads (1) and the metal case of the heating element (4).
(3) If the heating element resistance is within the specified range, it is operating correctly. Resolder the
two heating element leads (1) to the circuit board (3) and touch up the soldered connections, on both
sides of the circuit board (3), with conformal coating.
(4) If the heating element resistance is outside the specified range, replace the heating element as
described in the next paragraph.