TM 10-7310-241-12&P 2-20 Change 1 Section IV. OPERATION UNDER UNUSUAL CONDITIONS2-11. GENERAL This section contains special instructions/precautions for operating the HWR under unusual environment/weather conditions and procedures for operating the HWR under emergency conditions. 2-12. UNUSUAL ENVIRONMENT/WEATHER The HWR is designed to operate over a wide range of operational and climatic conditions within the protection of a vehicle. However, the following extreme conditions may require procedures which ensure that safe and efficient operation of the HWR can be maintained. a. OperationinExtremeCold. There are no special instructions/precautions for operating the HWR in temperatures as low as -40 OF (40 OC). b. OperationinExtremeHeat. There are no special instructions/precautions for operating the HWR in temperatures as high 140 OF (60 OC). c. OperationinHighHumidity. There are no special instructions/precautions for operating the HWR in humidity greater than 94 ± 4% at a temperature of 140 OF (60 OC). 2-13. EMERGENCY PROCEDURES The HWR should not be operated when either, or both, of the following conditions are present: a. The load current (up to 15 A) will degrade the host vehicle electrical system. b. Power usage is restricted for operational reasons. 2-14. NUCLEAR, BIOLOGICAL AND CHEMICAL (NBC) DECONTAMINATION PROCEDURES Refer to the appropriate host vehicle manual(s) for the NBC decontamination instructions (if any) which are applicable to the HWR.
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