TM 5-3895-377-13&P
Operation in Extreme Dust.
Check fuel filter frequently and change it as necessary.
Watch all gages on instrument panel more closely to ensure vehicle is not affected by dusty conditions.
Park Heater so control panel does not face into wind.
Shield burner motor intake, circulating pump, and pump motor from dust.
Ensure instrument panel and burner are covered when Heater is parked for extended periods of time in
extremely dusty conditions.
Cap or cover all hose connectors when not in use.
Ensure all caps are installed when connections are not in use.
Clean lubrication points before applying lubricants.
Operation in Extreme Cold.
Start-up and Operation.
Remove all snow and ice from Heater as soon as possible.
Prepare Heater for operation in severe cold temperatures according to FM9-207, FM31-70, FM31-71,
and FM21-305 as necessary.
Decrease tire pressure if pressure was increased for long standby periods when temperatures were
below -50F (-46C).
Watch gages closely. If there are any unusual readings, stop Heater and refer to operator
troubleshooting procedures.
During periods of extreme cold, damage will occur if tires are allowed to freeze to the ground. If a
sheltered area is not available when temperatures are forecast to be below 32°F (0°C), the Heater
should be parked in a high, dry area. If a high, dry area is not available, the Heater should be raised
off the ground and parked on wooden planks to prevent tires from freezing to the ground.
(a) Park Heater in sheltered area out of wind. If a sheltered area is not available, park Heater so it does not
face into wind.
(b) If temperatures are forecast to reach -50°F (-46'C), increase tire pressure by approximately 10 psi (69