TM 5-4520-253-13
e. Remove cap screws (11) and washers (12) which fasten mounting brackets (13) and grounding
strap (14) to heater case. Reposition brackets to permit mounting of heater on its left side
using 5/16-inch bolts or lag screws.
f. Open control box (15) and unlock two studs (16) which secure control box to heater case.
Rotate control box so that cover is upright. Tighten studs. Close control box.
3 - 1 0 . R I G H T S I D E M O U N T I NG
Disconnect fuel line (1) from carbu-
retor (2), Remove four machine
screws (3) and lock washers (4)
which secure carburetor to burner
head. Rotate carburetor 90° so
that float bowl is vertical and re-
install screws and lock washers.
Reconnect fuel line to car-
Be sure fuel inlet fitting (6) is
secure, and rotate fuel filter
(7) so that bowl is vertical.
Adjust louver handle (10) to open louvers.
Remove cap screws (11) and washers (12) which fasten mounting brackets (13) and grounding
strap (14) to heater case. Reposition brackets to permit mounting of heater on its right side
using 5/16-inch bolts or lag screws.
Open control box (15) and unlock two studs (16) which secure control box to heater case.
Rotate control box so that cover is upright. Tighten studs. Close control box.
3 - 1 1 . I N V E R T E D M O U N T I NG
Disconnect fuel line (1) from carburetor (2). Re-
move four machine screws (3) and lock washers (4)
which secure carburetor to burner head. Rotate
carburetor 180° so that float bowl is vertical. Re-
install screws and lock washers. Reconnect fuel
line to carburetor.
Remove screws (5) that secure fuel inlet fitting (6)
to front of heater case. Invert position of this
fitting and fuel filter (7) as a unit.
After fuel inlet fitting (6) is secured, make sure
that fuel filter (7) is vertical.
Adjust louver handle (10) to open louvers.
Remove cap screws (11) and washers (12) which
fasten mounting brackets (13) and grounding
strap (14) to heater case. Reposition brackets to
permit mounting of heater in inverted position
using 5/16-inch bolts or lag screws.