TM 9-2540-205-24&PSection Vll. START-UP AND SHUT-DOWN PROCEDURESPageGeneral . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... 2-59Shut-Down Procedure - Stewart-Warner, Hupp, and ESPARHeaters ., . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2-61Start-Up Procedure - ESPAR V7S .... 2-61GENERALSTEWART-WARNER, HUPP, AND ESPAR HEATERSThis section is provided to give you Information on how to start personnel heaters. Follow these steps exactlyas they appear, otherwise the heater may become flooded or parts in the ignition system maybe damaged.START-UP PROCEDURE - STEWART-WARNER HEATERSPageStart-Up Procedure - HuppHeaters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-60Start-Up Procedure - Stewart-Warner Heaters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-59LOCATIONITEMACTIONREMARKS1. not hold RUN/OFF/START switch for longer than time limits given. Dam-age to heater can result by burning out igniter or igniter control register.Check that heater master switch is on.Press PRESS TO TEST switch to check forpower.Hold RUN/OFF/START switch at START fornot longer than two minutes or until indicatorlight comes on.Place RUN/OFF/START switch to OFF posi-tion, and wait ten seconds.Hold RUN/OFF/START switch to START fornot Ionger than one minute or until indicator lightcomes on.Place RUN/OFF/START switch in RUN posi-tion.Indicator light should come on.Indicator light will come on when heater starts.If heater starts, go to step 6.Indicator light will come on when heater starts.1. If heater does not start,repeat steps 4 and 5.2. If heater does not startafter repeating steps 4and 5, troubleshoot(page 2-15).TASK ENDS HERE2-59
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