TM 9-4520-257-12&P 0003 00
0003 00-2
Used motor oil, solvents, and other unauthorized fuels should NOT be used with the H-45
Type II (Liquid Heater) under any circumstance. Only approved liquid and solid fuels may
be used. Gasoline and JP-4 should be used only in emergency situations when there is
no other fuel available and when the soldiers health and unit readiness are in jeopardy.
Using gasoline, JP-4, or unauthorized fuels in the H-45 will create a fire danger and potential
for explosion.
For the Type II (Liquid Fuel) heater, JP-8; DF-A, DF-1, or DF-2; JP-5; kerosene; Jet A-1; Jet A; gasoline
(emergency only); JP-4 (emergency only) fuel flows from the fuel source to the fuel flow control
valve (1).
By selecting the appropriate fuel setting, one of three internal orifices (each one appropriately
dimensioned to match the viscosity of the fuel being used) is activated. The liquid fuel then enters the
burner up-tube (2) in the burner base.
The process of vaporization is initiated by the priming process, whereby a small amount of fuel is poured
into the burner shell assembly (3) through the lid opening (4) and ignited.
The heat created by the priming process vaporizes the fuel in the burner up-tube (2) in 5 to 10 minutes.
When the priming fuel is consumed, the vapor from the burner cap down-tube (5) will sustain the flame.
The desired fuel flow rate can then be selected with the fuel flow adjustment knob (6).
Combustion gases pass from the burner shell assembly (3) through the stack pipe assembly (7).
Heat output is controlled by positioning the fuel flow adjustment knob (6) on the fuel flow control valve (1),
which limits the amount of fuel sent to the burner shell assembly (3) for combustion.