TM 9-4520-257-12&P 0005 00
0005 00-7
2. When using the H-45 Type I (Solid Fuel) Heater, the flue damper must be installed in one of the stack
pipe sections before the initial use of the heater. This procedure is detailed in the section entitled
Installing The Flue Damper located in WP 0009 00.
3. Outside the tent, roll back the flap (9) on the tent stack shield opening (8), and tie it back
securely. (Refer to the tent-specific operator manual for this procedure.)
4. Inside the tent, securely install the uncrimped end of the spark arrester (6) onto the crimped end of
one of the unaltered stack sections (7).
5. Securely install the uncrimped end of the stack section containing the flue damper (5) onto the
crimped end of the spark arrester (6).
6. Assemble the remaining stack sections (4-1).
7. Securely install the stack cap assembly (10) with attached guy lines (11) onto the crimped end of
stack section (1).
8. Insert the assembled stack with stack cap and attached guy lines through the tent stack shield
opening (8).
9. Securely install the uncrimped end of the stack section (7) containing the spark arrester (6) onto the
flange (12) on the top heater shell (13).
10. One person should remain in the tent stabilizing the stack assembly, while two other persons go
outside the tent and retrieve the three guy lines (11) from the roof of the tent.
The use of a long stick or other such object (not supplied with the H-45)
may be needed to retrieve the guy lines from the tent roof. Once the guy
lines are retrieved, additional lengths of rope (not supplied with the H-45)
may have to be added to the end of each guy line before the ropes can
be anchored to the stakes.
11. Outside the tent, drive three stakes (not supplied with the H-45 heater) into the ground, positioned
evenly apart and a minimum of 2 feet (0.61 m) from the base of the tent. Space the guy lines (11)
equally to ensure the stack is in a vertical and stable position. Securely anchor the guy lines (11) to
the stakes ensuring that the lines are stretched tight. Ensure the guy lines and ropes DO NOT touch
the roof or sides of the tent.