TM 9-4520-257-12&P 0005 00
0005 00-9
Starting The H-45 Type I (Solid Fuel) Heater
Do not use gasoline or any other accelerant to assist in getting the H-45
Type I (Solid Fuel) Heater to burn. Using any type of accelerant may
cause fire or explosion.
Never close the damper completely while the H-45 Type I (Solid Fuel)
Heater is in operation, and never leave a burning heater unattended.
1. To start the H-45 Type I (Solid Fuel) Heater, set the flue damper (1) in the open position. When
open, the flue damper handle (2) will be parallel to the stack section (3).
2. Open both the front and back base heater doors (4).
3. Remove the heater lid (5).
4. Put two or three pieces of crumpled paper (6) on the grate (7).
5. Arrange a number of small pieces of wood (8) (such as kindling) in a crisscross fashion on top of the
paper (6). Ignite the paper (6).
6. When the kindling (8) catches fire and is burning well, add some larger pieces of wood or, if burning
coal, put one shovel (8 to 10 pieces, 2 to 3 inches or 5.08 to 7.62 cm in diameter) of coal on the
kindling (8).
7. When the coal or wood is burning well, replace the heater lid (5) and close the front and back base
heater doors (4) halfway. Regulate the heat output by varying the front and back base heater doors
(4) opening and by partially closing the flue damper (1) in the stack pipe. Never close the damper
completely while the heater is in operation.
8. Remove the heater lid (5), and add wood or coal at intervals to maintain a fire bed of approximately 3
inches (7.62 cm) in diameter on the grate through the heater lid (5). Using the poker (15), push the
burning wood or coals to the rear of the heater lid opening, and add fresh wood or coal at the front of
the heater lid opening. The escaping gases from the fresh coal will be burned off as they pass over
the live coals. Add a shovel (12) of wood or coal after each previous shovel of wood or coal begins to
burn, until the desired fire bed is reached. Never cover up all of the brightly burning wood or coal with
fresh wood or coal.
9. To remove ashes and clinkers (such as burnt wood or coal), slide open the grate heater door (10)
with the poker (15), insert the shaker (11) in the shaker catch (14) on the draw grate (9), and gently
push the draw grate (9) back and forth with the shaker (11) until a faint red glow appears. Use the
shaker sparingly. Do not extinguish the fire. Do not waste fuel by shaking burning wood and coals
into the ash pit (13). Leaving some ashes on the grate will protect the grate and help control the fire.