TM 9-4520-257-12&P 0005 00
0005 00-30
Before replacing the empty fuel can with a full fuel can, make sure the
fuel in the full fuel can is the same fuel that was in the empty fuel can.
Once the type of fuel is determined, ensure the H-45 Type II (Liquid
Fuel) Heater fuel control setting is set for the fuel being used as detailed
earlier in this work package: Starting The Type II (Liquid Fuel) Heater.
Because the empty and full fuel cans should be the same type of fuel
can, the numbers in the following figure used for the empty fuel can are
also used for the full fuel can.
4. Unscrew the fuel can cap (8) on the full fuel can, and install the fuel can gravity feed adapter (5) on
the full fuel can. Reattach the fuel supply hose (4). Then, install the full fuel can on the fuel can
stand (3) as follows:
Make sure that the fuel can gravity feed adapter is fully seated and
secured to avoid leaking.
5. Invert the full fuel can (2) with the installed gravity feed adapter (5), and mount the inverted fuel can
(2) on the assembled fuel can stand (3) so that the gravity feed adapter (5) faces the ground. Slide
the fuel can handle (11) over the right support arm (12) and allow the inverted fuel can to rest on the
right and left support arms (12,13). Wrap the left support strap (10) over the bottom of the fuel can
(2). Feed the right support strap (9) through the fuel can handle (11), up across the front of the fuel
can body, and over the left support strap (10). Secure the right strap (9) to the left strap (10) using
the hook and pile fastening.
The strap is needed to secure a partially filled fuel can to the fuel stand during windy conditions.
6. Restart the heater as described earlier in this work package: Starting The Type II (Liquid Fuel)