TM 9-4520-272-14&P
0016 00
Table 1. Troubleshooting Procedure for Large Capacity Field Heater (LCFH).
35. Heater starts, shuts down,
Step 1. This error code indicates that an
Step 1. Secure any loose or
and displays error code: H331
open circuit has been detected at the
disconnected wires on carbon
carbon monoxide sensor located in the
operator control box. Turn power switch
to OFF. Check operator control box
mounted carbon monoxide detector to
determine if any of the wires are loose
or disconnected.
Step 2. Test operator control box
Step 2. Replace a defective operator
mounted carbon monoxide detector to
control box mounted carbon
determine if it is operating correctly.
36. Heater starts, shuts down,
Step 1. This error code indicates that a
Step 1. Repair any shorted wires on
and displays error code: H332
short circuit has been detected at the
carbon monoxide detector IAW WP
carbon monoxide sensor on the
operator control box. Turn power switch
to OFF. Check operator control box
mounted carbon monoxide detector to
determine if any of the wires are
shorted to one another or to ground.
Step 2. Test operator control box
Step 2. Replace a defective operator
mounted carbon monoxide detector to
control box mounted carbon
determine if it is operating correctly.
37. Heater starts, shuts down,
Step 1. This error code indicates that an
Step 1. Secure any loose or
and displays error code: H521
open circuit has been detected in the
disconnected wires on fuel pump
fuel pump circuit. Turn power switch to
wiring harness IAW 0028 00.
OFF. Check fuel pump wiring harness
to determine if any of the wires are
loose or disconnected.
Step 2. Determine if fuel pump is
Step 2. Replace a defective fuel
operating correctly.
38. Heater starts, shuts down,
Step 1. This error code indicates that a
Step 1. Repair any shorted wires on
and displays error code: H522
short circuit has been detected in the
fuel pump wiring harness IAW WP
fuel pump circuit. Turn power switch to
OFF. Check fuel pump wiring harness
to determine if any of the wires are
shorted to ground or to one another.
Step 2. Determine if fuel pump is
Step 2. Replace a defective fuel
operating correctly.
0016 00-12