TM 9-4520-272-14&P
0016 00
Table 1. Troubleshooting Procedure for Large Capacity Field Heater (LCFH).
44. Heater starts, shuts down,
Step 1. This error code indicates that a
Step 1. Repair a shorted K2 relay
and displays error code: H562
short circuit has been detected at the
coil wire.
but engine continues to run.
diesel engine throttle stop solenoid
relay driver K2 located in the relay box
location). Shut engine down as
described in procedure 30 of this work
package. Remove relay control box and
check K2 relay coil wire to ensure that it
is not shorted to ground.
Step 2. Test engine throttle stop
Step 2. Replace a defective engine
throttle stop solenoid relay driver K2.
if it is defective.
45. Heater starts, shuts down,
Step 1. This error code indicates that an
Step 1. Secure a loose or
and displays error code: H611
open circuit has been detected at fuel
disconnected wire to the fuel
solenoid valve FS1 (controls burner
solenoid valve FS1.
on/off). Turn power switch to OFF.
Check wire on fuel solenoid valve FS1
Step 2. Replace a defective FS1 fuel
and ensure that it is not loose or
46. Heater starts, shuts down,
Step 1. This error code indicates that a
Step 1. Repair a shorted wire to the
and displays error code: H612
short circuit has been detected at fuel
fuel solenoid valve FS1.
solenoid valve FS1 (controls burner
on/off). Turn power switch to OFF.
Step 2. Replace a defective FS1 fuel
Check wire on fuel solenoid valve FS1
and ensure that it is not shorted to
47. Heater starts, shuts down,
Step 1. This error code indicates that an
Step 1. Secure a loose or
and displays error code: H621
open circuit has been detected at fuel
disconnected wire to the fuel
solenoid valve FS2 (controls burner
solenoid valve FS2.
high fire/low fire). Turn power switch to
OFF. Check wire on fuel solenoid valve
Step 2. Replace a defective FS2 fuel
FS2 and ensure that it is not loose or
48. Heater starts, shuts down,
Step 1. This error code indicates that a
Step 1. Repair a shorted wire to the
and displays error code: H622
short circuit has been detected at fuel
fuel solenoid valve FS2.
solenoid valve FS2 (controls burner
high fire/low fire). Turn power switch to
Step 2. Replace a defective FS2 fuel
OFF. Check wire on fuel solenoid valve
FS2 and ensure that it is not shorted to
49. Heater starts, shuts down,
Step 1. This error code indicates that an
Step 1. Secure a loose or
and displays error code: H631
open circuit has been detected at fuel
disconnected wire to the fuel
solenoid valve FS3 (controls
solenoid valve FS3.
internal/external fuel supply). Turn
power switch to OFF. Check wire on
Step 2. Replace a defective FS3 fuel
it is not loose or disconnected.
0016 00-14