TM 9-4540-202-12&P
Ignite fuel in igniter cup with a match (Item 3, Appendix E).
Move igniter handle to the right and return cup to flue compartment to preheat the flue.
Reheat the flue for approximately one to two minutes, this will establish the draft necessary for safe
starting of heater.
Under all conditions and with all fuels, the possibility of a flashback can occur.
This can result If the burner Is ignited before the draft has been established in the
burner flue with fuel vapor present in the base of the heater. The operator must be
aware that the draft must be established by preheating the burner flue before
lighting. The operator's face should not be exposed to the burner compartment
while lighting or adjusting the flame.
Starting the Heater.
Using igniter handle, move igniter cup into burner compartment until edge of cup is below fuel valve
(Figure 2-4).
Wearing heat protective gloves (Item 4, Appendix E), open the fuel valve (Figure 2-5) and ignite the
stream of fuel with the burning cup. The burning fuel will fall on the burner vaporizer plate.
Return igniter cup to flue compartment.
Adjust fuel flow to just below smoke point, or to where the drops of fuel resemble a string of beads.
Close hood and leave closed during operation.