T M 9 - 4 9 3 1 - 3 8 1 - 1 4 & P - 2
F R A M E 31
Install Power Supply:
Put power supply (1) into housing (2).
2. Screw in and tighten four machine screws (3) with screwdriver.
3. Connect electrical lead A3P1(4) to jack J2 (5), Connect lead A3P2 (6) tO jack J1 (7),
and connect electrical plug connector (8) to jack J3 (9) and tighten all three plugs.
Follow-on Maintenance:
1. lnstaIl circuit card assemblies A1 and A2; refer to task 16
2. Install cover; refer to task 17
3. Install lDU assembly A2; reter to task 18
4. Install thermal system test controller; refer to para.2-5, task 8.
5. Install thermal system test controller case cover; refer to volume 1, para. 4-18.
Volume IV
Para 2-8, Tank 15