TM 10-4500-200-13
Fuel Consumption:
Type I without Conversion Kit
installed (coal). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1/4 ton (per week)
ata for the space heaters are tabulated as follows:
Heat output (normal) . . . . . . . . . . .35,000 BTU (British
Thermal Units) per hour
Model . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .M1941, Types I and II
Heatoutput (maximum) . . . . . . . . . . .45,000 BTUperhour
FSN(Type I) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ...4520-257-4877
Type II and Type I with Conversion
FSN(Type II) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..4520-927-42l4
Kit installed (gasoline or oil). . . . .5 gallons for 10 to 30 hours
2-6. Installation of
Separately Packaged
2-3. Service Upon Receipt of
Space heaters are packaged in separate containers to pro-
No separately packaged items are shipped with the heater.
tect them during shipment and storage. Container and
heater weigh approximately 78 pounds.
2-7. Installation or
Setting Up
2-4. Unpacking the Equipment
a. Location. Place heater base on ground or floor of
tent. In tents with wooden floors, the base should be set in a
a. General. The space heater is shipped in a wood crate.
sandbox or on nonflammable, insulating sheeting to protect
All components to this heater are stowed within the heater
the floor from heat. In an emergency, a pile of stones or
brickbats may be used. The sandboxes will meet the follow-
b. Uncrating. Remove the heater from the shipping
ing standards:
container, being careful not to damage the heater when
(1) The sandboxes will be constructed so that they are
opening the container.
no smaller than 40 inches long by 28 inches wide and 4
c. Depreservation. Prior to placing the heater in opera-
inches high. Use 2- by 4-inch lumber for the framework.
tion, accomplish depreservation in accordance with instruc-
(2) The sandboxes will have sheet metal bottoms to
tions outlined in DA Form 2258 (Depreservation Guide for
act as insulating shields.
Vehicles and Equipment). DA Form 2258 is attached to the
(3) Stoves will be placed in the center of the boxes with
heater assembly.
a minimum of 3 1/2 inches of sand between the bottom of
the stove and the metal insulation shield.
2-5. Inspection and Servicing of
(4) Areas surrounding the stoves will be void of com-
a. Inspection.
bustibles at any point closer than four feet on a horizontal
(1) Inspect the entire heater assembly for signs of
plane from the floor to the ceiling of the tent or building.
physical damage.
Necessary material will be secured locally upon approval of
(2) Inspect the heater to be sure that is properly
the local commander.
assembled, secure, clean, correctly adjusted, and mechani-
b. Setting Up (Type I).
cally operable.
(3) Correct deficiencies within the scope of organiza-
tional maintenance before placing the heater in service.
If the Conversion Kit is to be installed on
b. Servicing.
your Type I heater, setup in accordance with
(1) Perform the daily preventive maintenance ser-
the kit instruction sheet.
(2) No lubrication required.
Refer to figure 2-2 and assemble the space heater com-
Change 14