(4) Remove the nipple (14) and the reducer
5-16. Flexible Exhaust Line Tube Assembly
elbow (16) from the flexible tube (15).
a. Removal and Disassembly.
( 5 ) Unscrew and remove the elbow (17) from
the combustion chamber.
(6) Remove the screws holding the exhaust
(2) Disconnect the flexible exhaust tube union
t u b e adapter (11) to the combustion chamber and
(13, fig. 5 7 ) a t t h e e n g i n e .
take out the adapter.
(3) Unscrew and remove the flexible exhaust
b . Inspection. Inspect the exhaust tube and pipe
l i n e tube assembly (15) from the elbow (17) at the
f i t t i n g s for any breaks, cracks, or damaged threads.
c. Installation. Reverse the procedure in
exhaust line tube assembly (15) from the heater.
a. a b o v e .