areas. Use tent patching cement on the patches to
( 8 ) Remove the screws securing the safety trip
v a l v e to the safety trip valve door, and disconnect
help lessen the resistance to the flow of air through
the linkage at the bottom of the valve to remove the
5-21. Duct
Connecting Transition
b. Disassembly.
T h e instructions in this paragraph pertain to either
( 1 ) Take the valve cap (1, fig. 5-8) from the
one of the duct connecting transition plates.
t o p of the trip valve, a n d t h e n r e m o v e t h e v a l v e
a. Removal, Inspection; and Installation. R e f e r
closing plunger (3) and the spring (2).
( 2 ) Unscrew the valve plug (9) from the valve
b. Repair. Straighten all dents and weld any
body (4).
cracks or breaks.
(3) Remove the valve plunger (8), the valve
5-22. Safety Trip Valve
seat (7), the thickol diaphragm (5), and the
a. Removal.
neoprene diaphragm (6) from the valve body (4).
c. lnspection. Check the components for
1 1 a, S u b - p a r a g r a p h 1 , 2 a n d 3 .
breaks, cracks, wear, and damaged threads; in-
(2) Disconnect the pipe union on-the burner
spect the diaphragms for wear and damages.
d. Assembly. Reverse the procedure in
(3) Disconnect the burner fuel line from the
b. a b o v e , u s i n g n e w d i a p h r a g m s .
overheat safety valve (18).
e. Installation. R e v e r s e t h e p r o c e d u r e i n
a. above. Once the safety trip valve has been
(4) Remove the bolts holding the safety trip
valve assembly (12) to the heater.
properly installed, it seldom fails to operate. If it
(5) Remove the cotter pin from the overheat
does become inoperative, however, proceed as
safety valve bulb bracket to free the bulb.
(6) Take out the clips holding the capillary
( 1 ) Level the unit-it must be level to operate
tube (22) to the heater.
( 7 ) Remove the fuel metering valve (11), the
(2) Clean and oil the safety trip valve door
safety trip valve (12) the burner fuel line shutoff
v a l v e (13), the overheat safety valve (18), with the
( 3 ) operate the heater and check the valve for
tube (22) and the bulb, and the burner
line. All these are connected.