h a n d w h e e l (1) to the extension shaft (71) and take
5-23. Main Fuel Line
Shutoff Angle
off the handwheel.
( 3 ) Remove the nuts (77) from the extension
a. Removal, Cleaning, and Installation. R e f e r
shaft (71).
(4) Take off the pointer (76) and the lock-
b. lnspection and Repair. Check the valve for
washer (75).
damages. Tighten the packing nut which is
(5) Remove the nut (72).
g e n e r a l l y the only repair necessary to the valve (fig.
(6) Slide the fuel metering valve extension
4 - 2 ) . If a
new packing ring (16) must be
shaft (71), with the spacer (73) and the nut (72)
proceed as follows:
from the bottom of the heater cabinet.
(1) Remove the wheel from the end of the
( 7 ) Remove the spacer (73) and the nut (72)
valve stem.
from the extension shaft (71).
(2) Unscrew the packing nut and remove the
( 8 ) Take off the nut (65) and the washer (64)
nut over the end of the valve stem.
holding the plate (63) to the valve stem.
(3) Remove the old packing ring.
(9) Remove the plate from the valve stem.
(4) Reverse the steps (1) through (3) above,
( 1 0 ) Remove the fuel shutoff valve extension
installing a new packing ring (16).
s h a f t with pointer and plate in the same manner as
5-24. Burner Fuel Metering Valve
and Burner
d e s c r i b e d a b o v e i n a. ( 1 ) t h r o u g h ( 9 ) .
Fuel Shutoff Valve
b. Inspection. Check for bends, breaks, and
b . Inspection and Repair. Inspect the valves for
the procedure in
c. Installation.
damages and repair the valves by following the
a. a b o v e .
5-26. Overheat Safety Valve and Orifice
rings (46 and 6 2 , fig. 4-2) in valves.
a. Removal. Remove the overheat safety valve
c. Installation. R e v e r s e t h e p r o c e d u r e i n
a. a b o v e .
b. Cleaning and Inspection.
5-25. Fuel Metering and Shutoff Valve Ex-
( 1 ) Clean the fuel passage in the safety valve
tension Shafts With Pointers and Plates
orifice (36) being careful not to damage the soft
a. Removal.
(1) Remove the fuel metering and shutoff
(2) Inspect the sensing bulb, the capillary
t u b e , and the valve body for visible defects.