(5) Remove the filter cover nut (21) from the
t o p of the filter (28), and the shell will then drop
( 6 ) Empty the fuel from the shell and remove
the shell gasket.
(7) Remove the element.
( 8 ) Unscrew the filter cover from the shut-off
valve-to-filter nipple.
(9) Remove the filter adapter from the filter
b. Cleaning. Clean all parts thoroughly with
c. Inspection. I n s p e c t t h e s h e l l f o r d e n t s ,
distortions, leaks, and stripped or damaged
threads, and check the element for dirt and
serviceable ones.
d. Assembly and Installation. R e v e r s e t h e
p r o c e d u r e i n a. a b o v e , u s i n g a n e w g a s k e t .
Vehicular Axle With
Retractable Handle, Wheels, and Spacer
4-26. Main Fuel Line
Shutoff Angle Valve
a. Removal.
(1) D r a i n t h e f u e l t a n k a n d e n g i n e c r a n k c a s e
a. Removal.
and stand the heater on the engine end.
(1) Drain the fuel tank.
(2) Remove the axle mounting bolt from the
right and left axle mounting brackets to free the
( 3 ) Remove the filter-to-valve pipe nipple (18,
(4) Unscrew the valve (52) from the sump.
retractable handle from the brackets.
b. Cleaning. Wash the valve in SD and apply
(4) Remove the cotter pins, the washers, the
air pressure to blow out any foreign matter.
wheels (fig. 1-2), and the spacer collars from the
c . Inspection. Check the valve for any distortion
and for stripped or damaged threads, and if the
b. Inspection. Inspect the wheels for wear,
valve is defective, install a serviceable one.
distortions, cracks, or breaks; the axle for bends,
d. Installation. Reverse the procedure in
wear, and damaged or broken handle; and the
a. above.
spacer collar for wear. If these items are defective,
4-27. Fuel Tank Air Vent Line
install serviceable ones.
a. Removal. Disconnect the air vent line (25,
t h e p r o c e d u r e in
c. Installation.
a. a b o v e .
b . C l e a n i n g . Apply air pressure to the line to
4-30. Axle Mounting
clean out any foreign matter.
a. Removal.
c. Inspection. Inspect the vent line for breaks,
k i n k s , and stripped coupling nut threads, and if the
( 2 ) Remove the bolts, the nuts, and the lock-
vent line is defective, install a serviceable one.
w a s h e r s securing the axle mounting brackets to the
d. Installation. Reverse the procedure in
a. a b o v e .
(3) Remove the brackets from the heater.
4-28. Burner Fuel Filter,
Element, and Gasket
b. Inspection. Inspect the brackets for bends
a. Removal and Disassembly.
and wear and the mounting bolts and nuts for
(1) Close the main fuel line shutoff angle
damaged or stripped threads. If the brackets are
defective, install serviceable ones.
( 2 ) Disconnect the burner fuel line (31) at the
c. Installation. Reverse the procedure in
filter adapter.
a. a b o v e .
( 3 ) Disconnect the fuel tank vent line (25) at
4-31. Duct Anchor Cord
the filter elbow.
a. Inspection. Check the duct anchor cord for
(14) Disconnect the engine fuel hose (78) at the
b e n t fasteners and broken springs and for frays and
filter elbow.
worn spots.