b . lnspection. Inspect the clip for any distortion
b. Repair and Replacement. Repair the cord
and the spring for loss of tension or broken coils. If
a s s e m b l y by replacing defective cord and fasteners
any part of the assembly is defective, install a
with serviceable ones.
serviceaable one.
c. Inspection. Reverse the procedure in
With Pull Lock
a. above inserting the clip from inside the collar.
a . Removal. Loosen and remove the lock on the
4-34. 12-Inch Canvas Ducts
end of the cord opposite the end with the loop, and
p u l l out the defective cord.
a . R e m o v a l . Pull out the two spring lock clips
b. Installation. insert serviceable cord through
the grommets. Double the cord at the end and
band and remove the 12-inch canvas duct.
install the metal lock.
install the 12-inch ducts.
Duct Locating
4-35. 6-Inch
Canvas Ducts
a. Removal.
a . R e m o v a l . Select one end of the three 6-inch
( 1 ) Remove the cotter pin from the end of the
Squeeze the end of the duct together, detact the
(2) Remove the flatwasher, the grommet, the
a n c h o r pins from the pin anchors and remove the
spring, a n d a n o t h e r g r o m m e t f r o m t h e c l i p
d u c t . Use the same procedure to remove the other
two 6-inch ducts.
( 3 ) Remove the clip from the heater discharge
opening collar.
install the 6-inch ducts.