e. C o n n e c t t h e s t a r t e r r o p e t o t h e f l y w h e e l
2-8. Starting the Engine
flange, wrap the rope around the flange and pull
I n all normal operations, start the engine and run it
the rope vigorously to start the engine.
for several minutes before lighting the burner.
2-9. Lighting the Burner
Perform the applicable preventive maintenance
s e r v i c e s (para 3-4) and start the engine as follows:
a. Set the safety trip valve by pulling out on the
a. Open the main fuel line shutoff valve (fig. 1-
t r i g g e r lever which extends through the safety trip
1), located below the fuel tank, by turning the valve
v e r t i c a l position. With engine running, air pressure
handwheel counterclockwise.
b. Set the inlet temperature control.
c r e a t e d inside the cabinet should hold the door in
(1) When the engine is to be operated in
t h e vertical or operating position. When the engine
temperatures above 50F, pull the inlet tem-
stops, gravity should cause the door to fall back
against the lever, closing the safety trip valve.
perature control handle all the way out.
(2) When operating in temperatures between
b. O p e n t h e b u r n e r a c c e s s d o o r (
f i g . 1 - 1 ) .
25F and 50F place the handle in the center
c. Insert the wick of the torch lighter through the
b u r n e r access door opening and into the groove in
the bottom of the burner pot.
25F push the handle all the way in.
d. T u r n t h e h a n d w h e e l o n t h e b u r n e r f u e l l i n e
c. Place the choke lever in the vertical position,
shutoff valve (fig. 1-1) counterclockwise to the open
completely closed.
position, allowing the fuel to enter the bowl for
d. Place the ignition switch in the "run"
a b o u t 15 to 30 seconds. Dip the wick of the torch
lighter into the burner bowl every few seconds to